East Africa News Post

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Health and wellness | It’s orange, it tastes red but it looks green – El Sol de Hermosillo

Those who have gone on summer vacation or will do so have a great social responsibility. Because it is not only about the infection of those who travel, but also their relatives and co-workers once they return to their activities. And that is that the Covid pandemic traffic light was somewhat confusing, we changed last week in Sonora to orange, but it tastes red due to the hospital occupation, but it is seen as green because citizens underestimate the inherent risks.

The third wave of Covid-19 is growing and progressing very quickly in the states because the vast majority are cases of the new delta variant. For this reason, the hospital capacity in Sonora is depleting more rapidly to the point that occupancy exceeds 60%.

In red we have Hermosillo, Kajimi, Guaymas, Nogales, San Luis and Navogua according to health ministry data, with hospitals saturated and low availability of beds equipped with ventilators. Meanwhile it’s summer, when families want to vacation like we weren’t in a pandemic. Celebrations every weekend, crowded beaches (especially those in the south of the state) residents without masks and with upcoming back to school as most parents fear they might catch this ruthless virus.

July 27 was published in the newspaper The Official Gazette of the Federation The agreement under which the means of dissemination of the new traffic light methodology will be disclosed by regions to assess the epidemiological risks posed by the priority serious disease Covid-19.

With this agreement, the methodology developed in the appendix of traffic lights by regions dthe The agreement was published on May 14, 2020 at The Official Gazette of the Federation. It is also proven that the new traffic light methodology will be published on the page https://coronavirus.gob.mx/semaforo As indicated on the corresponding website, the traffic light does not fully represent the epidemic, but rather a series of indicators that provide guidance on its severity, the ability to respond to it, and an assessment of the risks of reducing or increasing epidemic activity at the country level during the reopening process are selected. Formal and informal economy, as well as social activities.

One aspect to note about the information provided by the website is that it sets out as basic precautionary measures for all levels of risk to be expected at a traffic light, washing hands with soap and water; cleaning and disinfection of objects of common use; Maintain a healthy distance Respiratory poster i.e. covering the nose and mouth with the inner corner of the elbow or with a disposable tissue, and finally, in case you develop symptoms of Covid-19 and are not part of an at-risk group or have signs of respiratory distress, recover at home. The use of a face mask, which has been endorsed by the World Health Organization along with vaccination as an ideal measure to prevent infection by Covid-19, is not provided by our authorities as a basic precaution and is only suggested as a precaution. , specifying its recommended use for the green and red levels, while its mandatory use for the yellow and orange levels is suggested.

Given this scenario, I recommend that you do not lower your guard, take into account the basic measures established by the federal government, and in accordance with the recommendations of international organizations and experts in epidemiological matters, use your mask in any public space if you need to leave your home safely.