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Havana has asked Spain to donate medicines for Covid-19 due to the shortage on the island

Havana has asked Spain to donate medicines for Covid-19 due to the shortage on the island

Government Spain Donated a ton of pharmaceutical To help treat critical Covid-19 patients That the island authorities asked them.

according to Official Portal From the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), this organization and the Embassy of Spain in Cuba have processed a file A gift, which consists of 15,000 ampoules of Enoxaparin Sodium 60 mg/0.6 mL and 90,000 of Hydrocortisone 100 mg/2 mL of heparin and hydrocortisone, both of which are essential in most treatments for novel coronavirus patients admitted to intensive care.

Javier Gonzalez San Juan, Minister Counselor at the Embassy of Spain in Cuba, was responsible for the official delivery of the donation, although The responsibility for managing the transport of goods to the island rests with the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Cross in Cuba.

During the grant award ceremony, the Director General of Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment of Cuba, Magales Estrada Diaz, recalled the “exceptional conditions in which the Cuban health system operates” and stressed the urgent need to unite efforts. And the will to face a global challenge.

Although the official Cuban media reported the delivery of medicines, None of them mentioned details that were at Havana’s request.

However, Cuban state news agency report (ACN) stressed the words of Estrada Diaz, who also said: “We were not alone. In the important battle against the Covid-19 pandemic, Spain has also extended the arms of brotherhood and solidarity.”

Although this was not officially recognized, Havana had to take advantage of its alliances when the health system that authorities sell as the best in the world hit rock bottom in the summer. Before the uncontrolled expansion of virus infections and the collapse of hospitals, leaving an unknown number of deaths.

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moreover, After the outbreak of 11J socialTens of thousands of Cubans took to the streets in some 40 cities on the island to demand an end to the regime. Donations from allied governments such as Russia, China, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Argentina and Mexico, as well as from countries in the region, began to flow into Cuba.

This did not stop, and while the pandemic recedes, according to official figures, Persistent chronic shortage of essential medicines.

In the same week, chief Bolivia, Luis Ars, traveled to Havana with a donation of 20 tons of medicine, health supplies and food. official broker Cuba yes.

very China, one of the most consistent donors in recent months, A cargo was delivered to the Cuban Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) 30 lung ventilators, 2,000 antigen kits, 100,000 surgical masks, 150,000 masks, 100,000 surgical gloves, 100,000 examination gloves, 30,000 protective suits, 20,000 goggles, 100,000 protective screens and 20,000 surgical suits.

very Beijing’s ambassador to Havana, Ma Hui, presented the head of MINSAP, Jorge Ángel Portal, a check for $100,000., pointed to official site from that ministry.

The Portal Miranda website said that the funds will be used by the Ministry of Occupational Health and Safety to obtain essential supplies that will contribute to the prevention and control of Covid-19 in the country.