(CNN Spanish) – President-elect of Colombia, Gustavo Petrospoke with US President Joe Biden on Tuesday, Petro announced.
The president-elect said on Twitter: “On the way to a more intense and normal diplomatic relationship, I have now had a very cordial conversation with US President Biden.
In his words a “more equal” relationship for the benefit of both peoples.
On my way to a more intense and normal diplomatic relationship, I have now had a very cordial conversation with President Biden of the United States.
According to his words, a “more equal” relationship is in the interest of both peoples.
Gustavo Petro (@petrogustavo) June 21 2022
The leftist candidate won the Colombian election with more than 11 million votes in the second presidential round, according to results from the Registrar’s Office.
Peter is known as Left-wing “progressive” leader In a very right-wing and traditional country. He proposes making the economy “revolve around life,” betting on natural wealth and environmental protection, as well as “deepening democracy,” creating an economic structure “based on production rather than on extraction,” he said in an interview with CNN. In July 2021.
Petro was the second most voted candidate in 2018 against Ivan Duque, in a deeply polarized campaign in which many chose not to side with either of the two candidates representing the extremists. Many others, afraid of “being like Venezuela” as the Democratic Center campaign put it, voted against Petro, and supported Duque, the current president of Colombia.
However, in this campaign, Petro showed a more moderate tone, criticized by many in his ranks, for uniting them with the traditional politicians who run the so-called political machines.
With information from Juan Carlos Lopez and Claudia Ribaza

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