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Gustavo Bolivar says that neither he nor Gustavo Petro are communists – political parties – politics

Gustavo Bolivar says that neither he nor Gustavo Petro are communists – political parties – politics

Gustavo Petro and Gustavo Bolivar

Gustavo Petro and Gustavo Bolivar, Senator for Human Colombia.


Cesar Melgargo. time

After singer Juan sent a message about the demonstrations in Cuba, in which he noted, “Cubans in exile have been saying this for years, and now the Cubans on the island are saying it Fearless, Freedom! A powerful message to everyone. Communism sucks. Ain, Colombia; everyone,” she continued. reactions of the political sectors.

(can read: “Take Them Home To Sleep”: Cabal A Pizarro Through “First Lines”)

Congressman Bolivar And he indicated on his social networking sites that he did not interact with that message, as he did not feel that he was alluding to it.

“They ask me why I didn’t say anything because of Juanes’ response: 1. Because I don’t feel implied because La Petro, whom I support, nor am I a Communist. 2. Juanes is free to say and think what he wants. 3. I like people who know themselves. 4. I liked Your version of Search and Destroy,”

On another hill, the senator asserted that according to Endabaz, two social leaders had been assassinated in recent days and “96 leaders were assassinated in 2021. 797 in Duque’s reign and 1212 since the signing of the peace agreement,” and asked Juanes to do so. Retweet it.

(what’s more: The story of the German who joined the “first line” in Cali)

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