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Guatemala's president calls Attorney General Consuelo Boras to account for his administration

Guatemala's president calls Attorney General Consuelo Boras to account for his administration

A protester carries a sign rejecting the administration of Attorney General Consuelo Boras during a rally in support of the electoral process in Guatemala City on July 14, 2023 (AP Photo/Moise Castillo)

President of Guatemala, BERNARDO AREVALO DE LEONThe Attorney General was called this Friday, Consuelo Porras ArguetaNext Wednesday to attend his office and submit a detailed report on various issues during his administration of the Public Ministry (Prosecutor's Office).

Arévalo de León hopes that Porras Argueta will visit his office at the National Palace of Culture next. January 24 and accounts of his administration under the leadership of the Prosecutor's Office.

On September 1, Arévalo de León accused Porras of directing Argueta Attempted Conspiracy” to interrupt his presidential inauguration and A week ago he promised local media that he would ask for his resignation.

Boras Argueta can only be removed as attorney general if there is a previous conviction against him, the Constitutional Court, Guatemala's highest court, said on December 20. Reject requests that facilitate dismissal of the officer.

According to the letter sent by the President this Friday, the Attorney General must state his criteriaand criminal prosecution in cases related to freedom of expressionAs well as progress in research due to complications in procuring vaccines for Covid-19.

Guatemala's President, Bernardo Arevalo de Leon (EFE/Bienvenido Velasco)

Arévalo de León also asked the prosecutor's office to report on the progress of criminal proceedings related to its decisions. Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR).

Borras Argueta, 70, who has been sanctioned by the United States since 2021, was charged. “Undermine the fight against corruption” From July 2023, the Central American nation has been engaged in continuous efforts to derail Arevalo de León's electoral victory and prevent his presidential inauguration.

This includes efforts to abolish political parties Seed movementArévalo also seized boxes containing arrest warrants against judges of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal and documents from the June 25 and August 20 elections.

Over the past three months, hundreds of tribesmen from across Guatemala have staged an interrupted sit-in in front of the attorney general's office in Guatemala City. Try to influence “the will of the people as expressed in polls”.

Arevalo de León assumed the presidency on January 14, with the challenge of creating governance conditions that allow him to fulfill a campaign promise to front-line attack on government corruption that has undermined the Central American country's democracy in recent years.

(with information from EFE)