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Govt.  The European Union is exploring the possibility of establishing vaccine passports

Govt. The European Union is exploring the possibility of establishing vaccine passports

The United States is considering an installation Passport Vaccine for international travel, This Friday said National Defense Secretary Alejandro Myorgas.

“We are studying very carefully” The idea of ​​issuing special passports to Americans Govit-19 He said on ABC television.

Government of the President Joe Biden “We want to make sure that the passports issued for the vaccine are available to everyone and that no one leaves,” said Myorgas, whose department oversees the Traffic Safety Administration (DSA).

Also read: European regulators allow the Pfizer vaccine for 12-15 year olds

The European Union is preparing an introduction Health certificate By June, many countries are planning to create one nationally.

But the idea has caused controversy in the United States, where some states, such as New York, own it Certificate, Others like Florida or Texas refuse to implement it, believing it violates the fundamental rights of Americans.

This week, a congressional woman who supports former Republican President Donald Trump sparked controversy by comparing her vaccinated passport to a yellow star, a symbol of Jewish Nazi stigma.

In April, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, “Not everyone needs a federal license to get a vaccination certificate.”

vcr / hm

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