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Government: There is no commitment to regularize Haitians

The government of the Dominican Republic this Friday refused to accept it Regulate ‘S condition Immigrants Y Haitian workers In the country, as stated in a statement earlier today Office of the Prime Minister of Haiti.

“(…) There is no commitment of any kind Regulate ‘S condition Immigrants Y Haitian workers Florence Guillaume Duperwal, Minister of Public Health in the country or former Haiti, has been nominated for the post of Director General. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)), “Said the Presidency of the Dominican Republic.

Dominican President Louis AbinaderHe pointed out that regularization of the Dominican Republic was “impossible” Immigrants to Haiti If they do not have the documents. “It was very clear to him,” the Dominican leader told reporters, who addressed him on the matter and reiterated that “no agreement has been reached”.

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The position of the President Louis Abinader The problems were that the Haitian government should make efforts to provide official documents to all immigrants and workers in the Dominican Republic.

Regarding the PAHO’s candidacy, Abinader pointed out that he “could not define” that there was “no support” because the Panama government, a partner in the Coalition for Development in Democracy, also has a candidate for the same position. In connection with.

According to the information Office of the Prime Minister of HaitiThere will be a rift between the two countries Agreement Entitled Formalization. “Chief Minister Ariel Henry And the President Louis Abinader Agreed Regulate Of status Immigrants Y Haitian workers In the Dominican Republic, issuing identity documents to them and reviving the mixed Haitian-Dominican Commission, “the office said in a statement.

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When he left the meeting on Thursday, Abinadar He declined to comment on the conversation, saying “openly” that bilateral issues had been discussed and that the press would receive information about it later.

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As stated in it Office of the Prime Minister of Haiti, Abinadar Confirmed that the Dominican Republic is ready to provide technical assistance to the Haitian government in the fields of training, technology and intelligence.

Moreover, Abinader received a “favorable” request to support the candidacy for the post of director of former Public Health Minister Florence Quilm Duperwal. Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

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