Juan Ariel Jiménez, Vice President of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), said this Wednesday that the number of public servants With salaries over 50 thousand pesos It increased exponentially during the first two years of President Luis Abenader’s government.
“The number of public sector employees (with salaries of 50,000 or more) is very close From 47 thousand in July 2020 to about 160 thousand in July 2022“Nearly four times as much in two years,” Jimenez said.
The PLD leader made the remarks in an interview with the satellite radio “El Sol de la Mañana” broadcast daily on Zol 106.5 FM, a program in which he confirmed that advertising spending for the presidency has also increased during the administration of the current government.
“The increase in salary spending was 22% (…) Presidency of the Republic’s advertising spending increased by 200%.“, pointed out.
During the interview, Jimenez explained that one of President Abenader’s promises was Introducing tax reform To reduce taxes that have not yet been realized.
“There was 230 billion pesos that they identified (PRM) as non-essential spending and they are supposed to redirect to improve people’s quality of life and that’s why there was no need for external borrowing,” the politician said.
Jimenez ended his talk in the radio space saying that despite the promises he had not seen a reduction in expenses, Rather, a salary increase.

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