Science subjects can either delight or frighten children, depending on the approach and methodology used in their education. Given that science surrounds us without the need to be in school, and that each of us is a scientific marvel, Valuable and interesting scientific information can be shared with children without making it a chore.
Children’s science products serve as support in this task. in NetflixFor example, you will find the documentary series silly planetAnd the little creatures (takes each episode to a different US state) and also Who was he?In each episode, a group of students introduce two historical figuresDespite the best efforts of her manager it was a bit lost in time. All of these shows are recommended for children 7 years of age and older.
But one option away from the screen, which may be what mom and dad are looking for, is books. The first thing that comes to mind is classics Collection This terrible science (Opening Molino), mostly written by Nick Arnold and illustrated by Tony De Sols, who Combining comics, humor and popular science And they don’t skimp on the important details. sister group That horrific storyWritten by Terry Derry and illustrated by Martin Brown. Both are more suitable for older children, 9 years and over, It will lead to further discussion, explanation and investigation.
Scientific research is progressing and you want your children to be up to date with the latest developments; After all, they have to compete with aggressive information online. Osborne Publishing, which specializes in books to explore the world, announces titles from its September collection this year know insideHow planet earth (Sam Smith and The Boy Fitz Hammond created a book and puzzle set, for ages 8 and up), Solar SystemDeveloped by Rosie Dickins and Carmen Saldaña, in collaboration with the British Space Agency, for children ages 7 and up.s the trees, written by Emily Boone and Wazza Pink, in the same age group. It is available in virtual stores such as Amazon and
If you don’t want to wait long to get the books home, Librería Vida Nueva, in Guayaquil offers collections Because I have to s Nature’s MiraclesWritten by Jane Green and Judith Anderson and illustrator Mike Gordon. Folders explain Why should I protect nature? Why should I recycle?It tells about the toilets and the plants in them Once upon a time there was a drop of rain s Once upon a time there was a seed.
If your children are very curious and willing to put what they have learned into practice, they will appreciate the work Chilean molecular biologist and science reporter Gabriel Leon: Recipes Knowing, what is mucus? What is the length of a meter? s Why does the moon follow me? (Penguin Chile). In fact, you’ll likely also get addicted to Leon’s style, and that’s what his podcasts aim for. pop science s Music Reasons (On Spotify, Apple, Google Podcasts, and Castbox).
In the second of these titles, The author asks kids embarrassing questions, such as wrinkling fingers, tickling, goosebumps, disgust, hiccups, and even dog poop (And why should we collect it). He justifies it this way: “One evening, some time ago, my daughter yelled at me from the bathroom to go see something. She was four years old at the time, and she liked to take a bath in the bathtub. When I walked in, I saw that he was looking at his hands With a very serious attitude.I approached him and he said to me, “Look, I’m old.”
Four years later, when the girl turned that remark into a question the father couldn’t answer well (Why do our fingers wrinkle when we are underwater?), was surprised and admitted that he had no clue, but would find out. The next day, instead of working on the scientific article that was pending, he began to investigate and respond as much as possible to his daughter’s curiosity, and found serious and systematic work on the subject. “I became an expert in wrinkling fingers and came back victorious to give my answer. My daughter looked at me very seriously and said, ‘You should write a book about strange things that happen to the body.’” Leon devoted himself to collecting questions from his country children. “Children are little scientists,” he says. “His way of approaching the world is to follow the scientific method, using curiosity as a driver“.
Longer but no less interesting reads for teens who love science
If your children are teenagers and are used to questioning and reading on their own, suggest the illustrated guide A brief history of science (Bloom Publisher, 224 pages), Amazing transportationAnd the The wonderful world of birds (Susaeta) or The world through a telescope (Edebé), among other volumes by Tom Jackson, who loves to mix stories, experiments, theories, and techniques.
Jackson describes himself as a non-fiction author and project editor. For 25 years he has been writing books, but also for magazines, newspapers, websites and for television, on a wide range of sciences. He considers his specialties to be natural history, technology and general scientific promotion.
At this point, your children may ask you How does one become a science author? Jackson reported on his official website that in addition to being a desk researcher, he had to go out and do fieldwork. He studied zoology at the University of Bristol and spent time working at zoos in Jersey and Surrey, UK. She also helped plant trees in Somerset and helped save buffaloes from drought in Zimbabwe. As part of his research as a writer, he has visited the Galapagos Islands, the Amazon rainforest, the coral reefs of Indonesia, and the Sahara.
of his most recent titles, Chiller (Frío), dedicated to the history of refrigeration, on the grounds that this technology changed the world, and could do so again. “The future is cold,” says Jackson in the final chapter.Although he is reluctant to predict the climate, he has become convinced that the world needs new fuels and new ways to store uncontrollable solar and wind energy. liquid hydrogenIt is a sensitive substance that needs further research to make it safe to handle. The inspiration for this is “Ice that burns”, such as the subarctic regions of Siberia and Canada, where methane deposits from the decomposition of organic matter are trapped in frozen soil. There is a phenomenon happening. When igniting a match, the ice caught fire.
If your curiosity has pissed you off at this point, you can do your own research. What books do you already have at home? Do you know someone who might have it? Where is the nearest library? Do you have a children’s section? Do we encourage you to visit a bookstore as a family? In that case, try the science section. (F)

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