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Fruit that improves vitality and mood in just four days

Fruit that improves vitality and mood in just four days

Science has shown that feed It is an essential piece to protect the body from many diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke or cancer. Many studies focus on the many benefits of fruits and vegetables. Although there is a fruit that wins for its contribution of necessary nutrients. he kiwi Rich Vitamin C, E and K Their consumption provides fibre, potassium and other phytochemicals that provide not only nutritional benefits, but health benefits as well, according to the study. Nutritional and health benefits associated with kiwi consumption It was conducted by researchers from the Complutense University of Madrid.

According to this jobRegular consumption of kiwi has beneficial effects on… Immune function and antioxidant defense; In the Digestive system functionImproving protein digestion and constipation; And in the upper respiratory system, which helps prevent infections and improve their symptoms. Moreover, it can have a positive impact on our lives mood.

Mental wellness

Kiwi has been shown to be a powerful mood booster, and new research from the University of Otago has shown just how rapid its effects are. in Stady Published in British Journal of NutritionResearchers found that this fruit Improve vitality and mood In just four days. Co-author, teacher Tamlyn ConnerThe findings provide a tangible and accessible way for people to support their lives, says the psychology department's M.D Mental wellness.

It's great for people to know that small changes to their diet, like adding kiwi, can make a difference to how they feel every day.Tamlyn Conner

Vitamin C intake has been associated with improved mood, vitality, and well-being and reduced depression, while vitamin C deficiency is associated with increased depression and cognitive decline.

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However, Professor Conner says limited research has looked at how quickly improvements in mood occur after taking vitamin C supplements or whole food sources. Researchers attempted to fill this gap with an 8-week nutritional intervention on 155 adults with low levels of vitamin C.

Participants took daily supplements of Vitamin C, a placebo or two kiwis. They then reported on their vitality, mood, well-being, quality and quantity of sleep, and physical activity using smartphone surveys.

The researchers found that kiwi supplements improved vitality and mood within four days. It reaches its peak between 14 and 16 dayss, and improved flowering from day 14. On the other hand, vitamin C slightly improved mood until day 12.

Lead author, Dr Dr. Ben FletcherUnderstanding the nuances of when and how these effects occur on a daily basis contributes to our knowledge of the potential benefits of vitamin C-rich foods and supplements on mental health, says she, who conducted the research as part of her PhD at Otago. the health. “This helps us see that what we eat can have a relatively quick impact on how we feel,” he adds. “Our participants were in relatively good mental health to begin with, so they didn’t have much room for improvement, but they still reported benefits,” he says. Benefits of interventions with kiwi or vitamin C.”

He adds that while vitamin C tablets showed some improvements, the study highlights the potential synergistic effects of consuming whole foods like kiwi.