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Foreign doctors explain why they want to work in Spain

Foreign doctors explain why they want to work in Spain

In the past decade, Spain has moved from 53,780 Foreign workers In the field of health and social services to 109773. The main reason is Lack of specialists What’s in our National Health System (SNS), but the head Association of Non-EU Medical Professionals (Asomex), Pablo MejiaHe also points out that government instability and insecurity in Latin America push these doctors, many of whom are of Spanish origin, to try their luck in our country.

“Many of us who immigrated, our parents or grandparents, were Spaniards,” Mejía says, recalling the great migration from Spain to Latin America that occurred in the twentieth century. “Many have Spanish nationality“, adds. The traumatologist points out that Instability Existing for ten years in their countries, the “rise” of communism in many countries and “Government instability”Migrants are looking for a way to get by Better stability And a better life project.” “That is why we immigrated to Europe,” says the specialist.

“Foreign healthcare workers make the national health system work”

Moreover, there is no language barrier in Spain. The head of Asomex points this out Share your mother tongue It is an “added advantage”, both for Spanish administrations and for non-EU workers. “It is easier for us to come and look for work in Spain, and for the Spanish government and hospitals as well. It is easier to recruit doctors from Latin America“The specialist points out that not all health workers who immigrate to our country have the ability to speak the same language.

Regarding the national health system, Latin American doctors classify it as “good”Mejia says. The specialist points out that this has happened too Good integration of immigrants. “We are an art and a part, because we are no longer just an assistant, but a part of those who make SNS work in Spain,” he says. He adds: “If it were not for the number of doctors from outside the European Union that exist at the moment, this would be completely prohibited.” Likewise, Mejía points out the existence of “Good combination” with Spanish healthcare.

Accreditation of academic degrees in health

However, Asomex points out that what may cause non-EU doctors to be reluctant to come to Spain is the process of Title consistency And Specialization certificate. He points out, “They do not want us to certify our medical profession even though we work in public and private hospitals and health centers.” he Ministry of HealthThrough the Professional Regulation Committee, “He refuses to recognize us as specialists”Mejia says. The traumatologist confirms that it takes two or three years to get the first response from health regarding the accreditation of his specialty.

Moreover, the specialist points out that the process of recognizing ownership “should be practically automatic,” but it currently takes “more than two years.” “Owns Colleagues who work as fast food delivery drivers. People who had to leave their countries in a hurry and are Waiting for title approval “So he can start working in Spain.”

“Job insecurity” in health care in Spain

rise of Foreign workers In the field of health and social services, it was announced last year. From December 2022 to September 2023, the number increased by an additional 10,574 employees. Mejia points out that the main reason is the shortage in the number of Spanish specialists. He points out, “We have to ask the Ministry of Health where the doctors who have been trained in this country are located.” The traumatologist indicates that “The fragility of employment contracts” It makes doctors prefer to “cross the border, where they get paid 30 or 40 percent higher.”

Mejía realizes that the situation of health workers in… Spain is better than Latin America But he asserts that “Worst of all European countries, including Portugal.” “They are better paid, with open-ended contracts. Not like here they give you Contract as MIR “It indicates two or three months.” “It only happens here,” he says.

Although it may contain statements, statements or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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