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Flexibility and self-efficacy, keys to functional coping with adversity - health and well-being

Flexibility and self-efficacy, keys to functional coping with adversity – health and well-being

Recently after Covid-19, all over the world and in Argentina, we are witnessing a critical situation, which, in addition to the personal and personal problems of each person, inevitably affects or may affect the psychosomatic state of each individual, always remembering that it is a holistic interconnected with each part of its parts. Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Maylin Barretto, Mariella Garabilo, and Melody Varisco

Hence the importance of generating tools that favor the resolute confrontation of adversity. In this sense, Darwin already asserted that it is neither the strongest nor the strongest who survives or triumphs, but rather the one who responds best to a problem.

In this sense, resilience is the ability to come out stronger than them. To understand it better, the word flexibility comes from the Latin, from the verb resilio, which translates as “jump back, bounce.” In physics, it is used to refer to materials that can withstand shocks and return to their original shape. In psychology, the term is used to refer to a person’s ability to adapt and face a satisfying, resilient, negative, difficult, and limited situation and overcome it, and emerge stronger by gaining learning and giving meaning to that experience.

In this arrangement, we cannot fail to state that the perception of self-efficacy is closely related to the above, even strengthening one another, as it relates to beliefs in one’s abilities to organize and implement courses of action required to deal with situations. the future.

Effectiveness beliefs influence the way people think, feel, motivate, and behave. Along the same lines, it is understood that human achievement and personal well-being require an optimistic sense of personal effectiveness. A strong sense of effectiveness is needed to overcome the obstacles and setbacks that characterize certain tasks. This ultimately leads to a greater sense of personal security and thus to resilience. Conversely, people who believe that they cannot achieve desired results through their actions will have little incentive to act or persevere in the face of difficulties. You may even have the skills to self-regulate your behavior, but if you think you can’t, even with these resources, you won’t be able to successfully perform this process.

It is important to emphasize that resilience is not a characteristic that people have or do not have, but that everyone can develop and strengthen these essential skills in order to deal effectively with life emergencies. It is just a matter of decision and practice. It is a skill that anyone can learn in the long run, including not only actions, but also behaviors and thoughts. To be flexible, it is not necessary to have exceptional skills or qualities, the important thing is to know what resources are available and which ones should be practiced on a daily basis. It is important that you set yourself a goal, motivate, and work on this ability to strengthen its components.

Behaviors to develop resilience
– Auto conocerse: lo que implica momentos de consciencia y conexión, para salir del automatismo y poder ver otras perspectivas, así como evitar el tapón con otras cosas que incrementan el problema, más allá que momentáneamente un puediojemp, com lo ar the food. Only by discovering what the problem really is, including determining how you really feel, will it be possible to find the right solution or the most appropriate alternative to confront it. And also from there to get strengths that will favor solving any adversity, emergency or problem, including weaknesses or complexities that need to be strengthened so that they don’t end up negatively affecting the outcome.

For this purpose, one must turn to memory and experience, recalling the ways in which conflicts were encountered in the past, the situations assumed, the skills and strategies that were useful and those that were not. Often, by facing extreme situations in which all abilities are tested, people can also learn something about themselves. Most describe an increase in their personal power, a more developed self-esteem and spirituality, and a greater appreciation for life.

Suppose crises are an opportunity to learn: Although you face many distressing situations that naturally discourage you, people with a high level of resilience are able to see beyond, without breaking down. In this way, they take crises as an opportunity to bring about change, to learn and to mature, realizing that these adversities are not eternal and that the future depends on how they react to them.

– Practice positive thinking and self-talk: it is important to enact both in order to allow to see the alternatives and possibilities, which helps to break out of the deadlock that, on the contrary, negativity tends to generate, leading the person to become paralyzed and remain in the complaint that only brings More suffering.

Negative thoughts can lead to irrational thoughts that directly lead to distortion in the assessment of the situation. Optimism is based on the expectation of good things, but keep in mind that difficulties can be part of the normal course of events.

It is important to see that in a situation several interpretations can be made and not only the negative choice, but can lead to the rationalization of those thoughts and the conclusion that positive options are more feasible and practical.

It is important to always remember that the mind is the tool that can heal you or make you sick, and that the subconscious does not distinguish imagination from reality, what is said to itself and ends up creating.

Hence the importance of being careful with the vocabulary used; “I will not be able to”, “that is impossible”, “that is awful”, and in addition to the practice of visualization, positive visualization has been shown that, due to the foregoing regarding the power of the unconscious, it can modulate not only moods but even neural circuits.

– Activating the right hemisphere of the brain: practice the activities that activate the said hemisphere, which is the creative part, the part for solutions, and it occurs when leaving the automatism that surrounds the left part. All leisure activities, detachment from interests and obligations, such as physical activity that, such as socializing, laughing and practicing a hobby, leads the body to secrete hormones of well-being that improve mood and self-esteem and from there security in the individual the special abilities to achieve a goal, including emergency resolution, which will appear Always on the path of life in the direction you are going.

Paying attention to activities that make you feel grateful and energetic, such as meditation, relaxation, and spiritual practices, helps establish relationships and restore hope, which is so vital to keeping the resilience engine running.

Acceptance: an aspect that differs from resignation that leads to siege and that goes hand in hand with acknowledgment of the problem, in order to make a plan of confrontation from there. It is about viewing crises as obstacles that can be overcome, and understanding that some unpleasant events come on their own, and do not depend on one. What is in one’s hand is the interpretation of problems and their reaction.

Be proactive: planning in advance generates greater safety and readiness while giving greater efficiency, than trying than spontaneously, where old habits generally appear, motives that lead to bad decisions increase, to make mistakes more easily by not thinking in the mind or the same Negative outcomes and beliefs. Here it is important to understand the processes, that nothing is actually achieved or by magic, everything means action, practice, planning, responsibility, and that the greatest achievements, sustainable over time, happen gradually. Because of this, set and achieve small goals that avoid frustration or frustration until the larger goal is finally achieved. So it is also important

Keep basic needs met: These include healthy eating, good rest, physical activity, and mental cleansing to avoid overstressing. Without these questions, it’s hard to have the emotional balance and the right focus to progress to the next steps. For example, if a person does not rest well or is excessively stressed, he will have great difficulty being able to see an optimistic alternative to a problem, because because of his situation, he is weak. The same thing happens with other basic needs.

Surround yourself with people who have a positive attitude: Knowing how to intelligently develop friendships is key. Building strong, positive relationships provides needed support, guidance, and acceptance in happy and stormy times. In this way, they were able to create a strong support network that they can withstand in the most difficult moments, and is essential to knowing how to seek help when needed.

Sense of humor: The ability to appeal to a sense of humor to relieve tensions and eliminate drama. Humor helps to remain optimistic, consider different points of view of what happened and, above all, allows to remove the drama from situations and focus on their positive aspects. Simplifying adverse situations through humor relieves the stress inherent in them, allowing us to deal with them in a better way.
Editorial note: Article published in the educational material of Icarus Centro de Salud & Longevidad, for patients with Pios-Pec and Pios-Pec PER, corresponding to October 2022, intended for publication in AIM.