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Five universities in the world account for the largest number of millionaires – corporations – the economy

Five universities in the world account for the largest number of millionaires – corporations – the economy

the most recent List of billionaires in 2021* from Forbes Includes 2,755 people from all over the world. The many name stories behind the world’s greatest fortunes tend to attract a lot of attention.

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Some majority Successful entrepreneurs s business woman Of the world did not finish their university studies. So as not to go away, Mark Zuckerberg s Bill GatesTwo of the five richest people in the world have dropped out of school to focus entirely on their projects (The social networking site Facebook s Microsoft, Straight).

On the other hand, there are many who went through the same semesters and graduated before raising large sums of money. and he World university What do you come out Billionaires? Forbes He also revealed that data.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and CEO.

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The Harvard university Leading the list. 29 billionaires from the list Forbes He graduated from the institution in which it is located Cambridge, Massachusetts. Of these, 17 of them made their fortunes in the finance and investment industry. Everyone’s fortunes Billionaires Graduates Harvard They add up to $ 207 billion.

In the second and third places, they have been linked to 28 billionaires (all of them). Universities of Pennsylvania Based on Stanford.

Characters like Donald Trump s Elon MuskThe second richest man in the world ($ 151 billion), behind her Jeff Bezos.

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among all Billionaires Graduates University of Pennsylvania Adds a fortune of $ 284 billion.

For this part, Stanford Many brains graduate from companies closely related to technology. For example, Colombian David Velez, CEO of NubankWho is worth more than $ 5 billion and appears at number 539 on the list Forbes.

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The billionaires graduating from this university reached $ 124 billion.

In fourth place on the list is Yale University. From this institution located in New Haven, Connecticut, se graduaron 21 Billionaires That adds up to a fortune of $ 140 billion.

In the fifth step, the only university in this ranking that is not present in the United States appears: University Mumbai, in India. There, 20 billionaires graduated, among them Mukesh Amban |I am the richest man in Asia.

* ‘List of billionaires for 2021‘* from Forbes It was last updated on March 5 this year.

Economy and business

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