Misiones has once again taken firm steps on the science and technology path, betting on innovation, by opening the 2022 Disruptive Education cycle, and certifying the desire to continue growing because demand continues to increase. These classes began in emblematic places, the headquarters of the ICT magnate located in the Posadas Industrial and Innovation Park.

This inaugural milestone was preceded by two others. Because before opening this year’s academic activism on disruptive matters, I signed an agreement with the Federal Investment Board to not only expand Maker spaces to 77 municipalities but also to advance the evolution of these new educational perspectives. And it must follow the academic opening, research on science applied to production, and the addition of technology in the main sectors of missionary production: yerba mate, tea-making and forestry. A path the Innovation Missionary Agency has already been pioneering, along with other official initiatives related to innovation, research and technology.

https://www.noticiasdel6.com/firma-de-convenio-entre-misions-y-el-cfi-por-144-millones-son-una-de-las-mejores-inversiones-que-hace-la- Argentina /

Today there is, if you will, another similar urgency: climate change and the urgent need to adapt to changing conditions that has manifested itself, in recent years, with the transformation of the subtropical climate into a tropical one, straining the moisture characteristic that distinguished it, from the La Niña phenomenon that caused the Historic droughts with severe destruction of flora and fauna. Despite the fact that the adverse effects in Misions have been mitigated by the environmental policy that has been maintained in the past two decades.
But the negative effects recorded in the missionary production were enough to begin to put forms of cultivation and harvesting under a magnifying glass, irrigation systems, and the convenience of greenhouses. The need to produce food that is resistant to the new conditions to keep cowboy animals fed, on medium and small farms.

There is no doubt that there is a whole chapter on sustainable production that should be considered as prevention. By the way, Misiones has a background in scientific research in the institutes of the National University, it is called the Faculty of Forest Sciences or the Faculty of Exact, Chemical and Natural Sciences.
And if these are substantive issues at the provincial level, then in the week just ended there was an episodic national context, the agreement with the IMF that not only governors (in the province also missionary parliament), but national MPs. And now on Monday the 14th, the senators will begin the debate.

Why the agreement? Because it is necessary to resolve the unforgiving foreign debt contracted by the administration of President Mauricio Macri so that Argentina can grow while meeting its moderately outstanding obligations. Misions’ deputies approved the agreement, with one exception. In unfortunate terms. Martin Argoll, a rising National Representative in the JxC, boasted that his political power would have voted for him despite his opposition to President Alberto Fernandez. It was really the least he could do. It was JxC that contracted the largest debt in Argentine history and did it alone, without going through the National Congress, as stipulated in the National Constitution. Although this debt must be paid by all Argentines (for several generations). So it was the least they could do: no more stones in the way.

“Social media evangelist. Student. Reader. Troublemaker. Typical introvert.”
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