Assembly member Fernando Villavicencio asserted that behind the attacks by “electronic intelligence expert” Ramon Devesa Gonzalez against the government of Guillermo Lasso a legislator is Corismo, all to divert attention from what was revealed about Congressman Ronnie Alega and head of the Citizens Revolution Movement, Marcela Aguinaga.
Devesa González could have been set to post fake news content and videos, after Villavicencio posted a photo of Aleaga with Xavier Jordán Mendoza, a fugitive from justice due to a legal process related to the illicit association in 2020. The drawing was taken in a swimming pool in Miami ( United State). The legislator from the Unión por la Esperanza (UNES) congregation said he attended a social gathering at the invitation of his girlfriend, who is a relative of Jordan, and the photo was taken there.
In a press release from Villavicencio, it was noted that a photo of Marcela Aguinaga with Xavier Jordan Mendoza was also circulated. It was also known that Aguiñaga had been living in the Quo Building and that she was a neighbor of Daniel Salcedo, convicted of embezzlement in the hospitals case, and Julio César Quiñónez, a former member of the House of Representatives for Alianza País.
“These attacks against the government and I were financed by Xavier Jordán and orchestrated by Correismo, with fugitive Rafael Correa at the helm. I know that Juan Pablo Jaramillo Davila, an employee of Jordaan, has held meetings abroad to organize these attacks,” says Villavicencio.
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The press release notes that Jaramillo is an active participant in Correismo and has also done business in hospitals, particularly those in Guayaquil. In September 2018, he was awarded a $507,200 contract to provide medical supplies to the urological district of Los Cebus Hospital. Two months later, he acquired another Teodoro Maldonado Carbo for $938,969 to supply equipment for respiratory therapy. This contract was examined by the State Comptroller General, who decided in his conclusions that the budget for the above-mentioned contract was overstated.
The legislator explains that in order to carry out the smear campaign, former President Rafael Correa sought out Podemos and political consulting firms that have been operating for years in several Latin American countries, in which former employees of UC Global and Devesa González himself work as a computer scientist.
Ramon Devisa Gonzalez, originally from Spain – adds Villavicencio – is a former employee of the Spanish security company UC Global SL, famous in Ecuador for conducting extrajudicial surveillance of British Julian Assange at the Ecuadorean embassy in London, by order of the government of Rafael Correa. This same company provided protection and surveillance for Korea, his family in Belgium, and his daughter in France, a security that continues to this day.
He further elaborates: “From the working relationship with UC Global, Devesa González maintains a close relationship with Ernesto Julián Ruiz Alonso and Angel Molina, both former employees of that company, who at that time were Rafael Correa’s bodyguards. Later, he took over Ruiz Alonso and Molina manage company services.
Devesa González works for R5 Personal and Corporate Services, a company run by Alonso and Molina that was also hired by the Spanish party Podemos to obtain all information related to party security, which was in the possession of the political organization’s former computer team,” the bulletin indicates.
According to the documents that Fernando Villavicencio claims to have obtained, the defamation strategy against him is “implemented through the Spanish company Areani Consulting SL, owned by Devesa, which maintains weekly contact with fugitive Rafael C. and provides him with service and management, through parental controls installed on computers they use on a daily basis.
The press release notes that Ramon Devisa was in Ecuador with the aim of selling information about UC Global and espionage to Julian Assange in London to Ecuadorean intelligence. In the country he taught courses on “the pirate Moral” of the Presidential Protection Service and “Open Source Intelligence” of the Joint Command of the Armed Forces, according to his autobiography.
Villavicencio confirms that Devesa is currently working with the new correismo and that the smear campaign against him and the government is already underway. He alludes to videos circulating online about the national financial institution in which he is accused of belonging to the “CNT mafia” and campaigns in defense of Xavier Jordan.
The legislator indicates that he will bring the case to the attention of the governments of Belgium and Spain, and will request that appropriate investigations be carried out. I will file a complaint with the Government of Belgium, because the actions of Rafael Correa, who enjoys political asylum, violate the principles of asylum; I will also ask the Government of Spain to conduct an investigation into these companies and Ramon Devisa, who are providing services to a fugitive from justice against the Ecuadorean government and a lawmaker.”

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