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Eye color change surgery performed by La Diosa and Osmani Garcia

Eye color change surgery performed by La Diosa and Osmani Garcia

These days Cuban artists Dianlis AlfonsoThe Gods“And Osmani Garcia Flaunt a new look thanks to its benefits. Corneal pigmentationAdvanced aesthetic technique to change eye color.

The artists expressed their happiness and even stood together to show their followers their amazing blue eyes, which were achieved at a clinic in Miami.

This cosmetic procedure changes the color of the eyes by dyeing the cornea with the help of a high-precision laser to create a small circular tunnel in the cornea where a dye is then applied that covers the natural color of the eyes.

The Magazine blue green medical It is worth noting that this technique is considered safe, but ophthalmologists warn of risks surrounding it, such as infections, loss of sensitivity, and changes in vision.

Specifically, this surgical procedure works on the transparent layer that covers the front of the eye. There, a small, precise circular tunnel is created and the pigment is placed inside, covering the natural color of the eyes and providing the desired shade, the post notes.

Unlike another technique known as Lumin Eyes Laser Which changes the eye color from brown to blue and carries more serious risks such as iritis or glaucoma – through Corneal pigmentation It is possible to turn brown eyes into blue, green or any other desired color.

However, they explain that there are risks such as the possibility of eye infections during the healing process.

They stressed that “despite the rarity of these complications, it is important to take into account that any surgical intervention on the eyes carries a risk of infection. It is essential to follow the specialist’s instructions literally to prevent any type of complications.”

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Another possible risk is loss of eye sensitivity and changes in vision, as the intervention can cause a temporary decrease in eye sensitivity, which in most cases recovers over time.

Likewise, they point out that corneal distortion caused by corneal pigmentation can affect the quality of vision, creating difficulties with visual acuity or changes in color perception.

In other cases, the eye color is not the desired color, which causes great discomfort to the clients.

“Pigmentation may be irregular, resulting in patches or areas of uneven color on the cornea. Additionally, over the years, the color may fade or change, which may require touch-ups or even depigmentation,” the text says.

In the field of ophthalmology, there are conflicting opinions about corneal pigmentation as a technique for changing eye color. Ophthalmologists advise caution and prioritizing eye health, and suggest exploring less invasive alternatives such as colored contact lenses or specialized makeup, the specialist blog says. Ophthalmology Challenge.

They explain that the procedure is irreversible and that the results, both positive and negative, can be permanent.

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At this moment, Othmani Garcia is so happy that he named his eye color “Garcia Blue”.

In addition The gods said the experience was wonderful.He said his self-esteem was now “as high as the color of my eyes” and stressed that the procedure was “safe and quick.”

Believing in mistakes: The previous version of this text described some other similar technical features known as Lumines Laser Which caused confusion among our readers. Current information is based on scientific articles published in journals. blue green medical and Ophthalmology Challenge.

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