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Exercise at work: The solution to depression and work anxiety?

Exercise at work: The solution to depression and work anxiety?

Can the Sports in action Save employees from stress and demotivation? According to a survey conducted by Ipsos for Predilife and compiled by human resources culture, 93% of employees in France feel stressed and unmotivated at work, and 46% of them believe that companies should prioritize improving well-being at work. It could be the key to that well-being sports.

the sport activities Secrets EndorphinsIt is a natural anti-stress agent that helps improve the mental health of employees, and thus the environment in their working relationships. According to a study by Biomed Central, corporate exercise programs can also reduce absenteeism by 25%.

Exercise at work improves performance

Sports are a very good way to unite a team.


Sports help Reducing stressRegulating emotions, preventing diseases, improving memory and sleep, in addition to increasing mood and self-confidence. As you can see, exercise helps us focus better, be more productive and feel more calm and willing to give it our all.

According to a recent Australian study from the University of South Australia, published in the journal British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM), sports activity 1.5 times More effective than psychotherapy or antidepressants. Crucial information when it comes to optimization Employee well-being.

Sports at work: a way to enhance company cohesion

According to a 2021 Cisco and Ipsos survey, 77% of respondents consider this a sport at work It helps motivate teams again. Besides the individual benefits, physical activity among employees is a tremendous tool to achieve this Enhance cohesion and relationships between colleagues. Football match, tournament Spikeball Or a session Jogging As a group they can break down hierarchical barriers and foster a sense of belonging to the company.

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