May 4, 2021 12:53 GMT
Vitálik Buterin’s ether address currently contains 333,520 ETH, which equates to $ 1,090 million.
Ethereum blockchain co-founder Vitálik Buterin has become the world’s youngest crypto billionaire at 27 years old, according to mentioned Forbes magazine on Monday.
This news comes after the cryptocurrency Ethereum, Ether, sign New earlier this week All-time record exceeds $ 3,000 per unit. Ether has grown over 325% so far this year.

The title of Ether de Buterin You have Currently 333,520 ETH, which equates to $ 1090 million At $ 3,278 for Ether.
Cryptocurrency Ether has a market value of $ 376 billion, and its value is no more than $ 1.08 trillion in Bitcoin. Ether’s rise in value is largely due to the growing popularity of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, which aim to replace traditional financial intermediaries such as banks and insurance companies, according to Forbes reports.
Vitalik Buterin was born in 1994 in the Russian city of Kolomna, and at the age of six he moved with his family to Toronto, Canada. Before the launch of Ethereum in 2015, the programmer co-founded and wrote for Bitcoin Magazine, dedicated to this cryptocurrency and digital currencies in general.
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