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Etecsa sells its Bolsa MiTransfer service in dollars

Etecsa sells its Bolsa MiTransfer service in dollars

The Cuban telecom operator Etecsa recently promoted the possibility of recharging the account in US dollars for the Mi Transfer Bag from anywhere in the world.

MiTransfer Stock Exchange is nothing more than a virtual cash account linked to a mobile phone number in Cuba.

“It is an electronic channel so that Transfermóvil users can purchase online or in person the services and products of entities and companies that enable this payment method,” says the company.

On the exchange there are two linked accounts: USD and CUP. about the first, chirp Etecsa recently: “Now you can top up your MiTransfer Exchange USD account from anywhere in the world.”

The first thing the user must do to register with MiTransfer Exchange is to locate this section, on the main screen and also on the left side where the banks appear.

To register, you must present your identity card or passport and a PIN code.

You can recharge CUP accounts with cash through CADECA offices, also through a bank account, or transfer from another exchange in the same currency.

Mitransfer bag for online payment in cuba

In the case of an account in US dollars, a service that Etecsa recently “sold”, it can be recharged from overseas websites or by transferring from another exchange in the same currency.

What is MiTransfer Bag? According to Etecsa, with the virtual account in Cuban pesos, you will be able to make payments for certain services “such as Nauta Hogar fees, mobile recharges and phone bills, as well as purchases of products and services at companies that have this payment method enabled.”

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In the case of the account in US dollars, you can recharge your mobile phone with international offers, buy Nauta Plus and buy products and services in stores where this payment method is enabled.