Elon Musk shared a new video on Saturday starring Optimus, the robot Tesla is working on From 2021. But anyone trying to watch the video will immediately notice something strange. The Optimus clip is so low-quality and pixelated that it looks like it was filmed on a two-decade-old flip phone.
The new video was posted early Saturday morning and has been viewed 35 million times At the time of this writing. But the video seems to show Optimus walking around without doing anything. That would have been impressive. Circa 2013 Kind of, since it's relatively difficult to make machines walk like humans, but it's not entirely clear why Musk would want the world. To see Optimus walking like that.
[[[[Updated at 3:58 PM ET: Sometime during the last 30 minutes or so Elon Musk video
Changed to include a higher resolution version. Interestingly, tweets that have been edited will usually show a note at the bottom stating that the tweet was edited and when it occurred, but Musk's tweet does not indicate that anything has been changed. We've checked Twitter to see if Musk has any special rules as the owner of the social media platform and will update this post if we find out. behind. The rest of this publication is preserved for posterity.]
Additional technical advances aside, why does this video look so terrible? We weren't the only ones who noticed the strange pixel quality, as many Musk fans made jokes about the blurring.
“Was this filmed with potatoes?” one user joked.
“Same photographer?” Another X user joked with
Bigfoot picture.Tesla did not immediately respond to questions about the new Optimus video emailed on Saturday.
Musk gave Optimus an unconventional presentation in the summer of 2021 that really looked like the billionaire was desperate to promote almost anything futuristic. That year's Tesla AI Day did not include a real robot, but rather a person wearing a black and white suit who moved as if a stereotypical robot had previously moved.
Start dancing a dance.Tesla's robot has made progress since the joke was first revealed, but Optimus still has a long way to go before he can catch up. The latest robots in 2020. Atlas, a humanoid robot made by Boston Dynamics, has begun learning how to…
Recovery in 2016Standing On one leg in the same yeara job Wheels in 2017and achieved Parkour style jumping in 2018. And ATLAS is still moving forward in ways that rival the way humans actually move. Last year, the Atlas robot demonstrated its ability to manipulate its environment
Navigating complex work sites.Optimus has made improvements since it was first announced, but it has a long way to go if it wants to catch up to a company like Boston Dynamics. Arguably the most impressive thing we've seen Optimus do is fold laundry, but if you look closely in the video, there was someone standing off-screen and miming the movements. And frankly, this is the technology that's made possible.
Since the sixties.Can Tesla develop a truly autonomous robot that can act as a home servant, just like Musk?
He promised? Only time will tell. But we've been waiting for this version of the future Over a century now. Robots are hard. But we can certainly keep dreaming.. Robots are hard. But we can certainly keep dreaming.
This content has been automatically translated from the original article. Due to the nuances of machine translation, there may be slight differences. For the original version, click here.
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