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“El Potrillo” denies Trump and Chianti’s announcement

“El Potrillo” denies Trump and Chianti’s announcement

Guadalajara, Gal- El Potrillo spoke on his social networks denying a circulating announcement about important figures who are supposed to support or came to support the business tycoon and politician Donald Trump, where a picture of his father, Vicente Fernandez, appears.

“This post is completely false.

“My father was not only the best representative of Mexican music and culture, but also a passionate defender of the dignity and rights of our citizens around the world. Vicente Fernández would never support a politician who denigrates Mexicans and mistreats immigrants,” reads the message that the “Caballero” singer spread through his networks Social media along with false advertising. The singer from Guadalajara also emphasized the respect and affection that his father has for Mexicans who immigrated to the United States. “During all the tours I took with my father, and those I continue to take now in the United States, we were able to emphasize that our compatriots are the lifeblood of that country. Honest, tough, and tough Mexicans are working, deserving human beings looking for better opportunities to help their families. People Who do not deserve to be mistreated or discriminated against.

“We must not allow anyone to belittle us by saying that we are criminals, murderers, rapists and thieves. It is not my intention to recommend or support any candidate or party, but on behalf of myself, my children and the memory of my father.” , we ask “Let them vote and think about what is best for you,” as explained in their posts.

The false ad appears to have come from a pro-Trump account on TikTok.

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