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“El Chavo del 8 |  La Chilindrina announces the reasons for its inability to carry out its vital collections |  Marie Antoinette from the snow |  COVID-19 |  celebrity |  nnda nnlt |  Cech

“El Chavo del 8 | La Chilindrina announces the reasons for its inability to carry out its vital collections | Marie Antoinette from the snow | COVID-19 | celebrity | nnda nnlt | Cech

2022 did not start well for Maria Antonietta de las Nieves, the actress known for her playing‘, after learning that he had tested positive for Covid-19. Despite the outcome, the Mexican recovered quickly and was ready to move on with her vital group, when she found out that the project had been cancelled.

more information: What other programs did Chilindrina

Star “Chavo del 8” With much regret, he told his millions of followers that he would not be able to carry out the biographies that had given him so much hope, due to problems out of his hands. Find out all the details below.

Maria Antonita de las Nieves began playing La Chilindrina in 1975 (Image: FILE)
Maria Antonita de las Nieves began playing La Chilindrina in 1975 (Image: FILE)


Due to the epidemic and the large number of infections, the production of vital cults decided to stop indefinitely. This saddened the actress, although deep down it meant a break from her busy schedule, because now she would have more time to devote herself to the circus that she faithfully performs every year.

In an interview with “Window”Maria Antonietta said that the project should be stopped in the event of an emergency and she cannot wait to resume, because she is immersed in other matters:

“Mine has been canceled, I have already agreed, and already signed, to the ones I wrote, but with everything from the epidemic, it can not be carried out and now I can no longer be on standby, doing the series or doing Circo de la Chilindrina and frankly the circus suits me better.”

This year there will be no news

Despite the fact that the project can be resumed in the coming months, it is no longer able to implement it, since its current obligations are much more important.

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“Yes, I have already committed myself all this year to be with that company, and I will be with that company if God wills me to be healthy and the rest will be little by little, no matter the fall, I will see what I must do. It was a beautiful project that filled me with hope At the time, it was worth it.” commented.

'La Chilindrina' performs with its circus in Lima, Peru (Photo: La Chilindrina oficial/Facebook)
‘La Chilindrina’ performs with its circus in Lima, Peru (Photo: La Chilindrina oficial/Facebook)

He is in good health

The actress also stressed that she is in good health and that through her positive test COVID-19 He only had mild symptoms, so he was able to recover in a short time.

“Nothing else has caused me hoarseness, I had a lot of phlegm and it’s over. No body pain […] gThank God I received three vaccinations. Not only are the two from Pfizer, but they really gave me the booster. Thanks to that, I say it didn’t hurt me too much.”, I finish.