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Earthquakes in the US today, March 15 via USGS – Live: Exact time, magnitude and location of earthquakes |  composition

Earthquakes in the US today, March 15 via USGS – Live: Exact time, magnitude and location of earthquakes | composition

It is the agency responsible for issuing daily alerts Telluric movements Feelings across the North American nation; Mainly, in states like California, Alaska, Hawaii, Texas; and other areas Seismic activities usually occur daily. Along these lines, I am sharing with you the real-time updated report today on March 15. Center, size, exact time And the earthquake-affected areas recorded in the last hours are confirmed with an interactive map and warning system .

It's worth saying that almost 75% of the continental United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, could experience a damaging earthquake at some point in the next century, according to data collected from the USGS website. This means that millions of its people are at risk of damage from catastrophic earthquakes, even in areas traditionally not prone to such events.

According to USGS live, tremors in the United States today, March 15

Follow along live and find out how to prepare for an earthquake. Below are the details of that report:

Which cities in the US are at risk of a strong earthquake?

Produced by the United States Geological Survey, this color-coded map is meant to provide a visual that allows geologists and engineers to prepare for the imminent seismic hazards that threaten much of the United States.

A research-based map showing an updated and complete national seismic hazard model for all 50 US states. Credit: USGS
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