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DSE Judge Welman calls for a meeting with Secretary of State Anthony Blingen for mentioning Engel’s list

DSE Judge Welman calls for a meeting with Secretary of State Anthony Blingen for mentioning Engel’s list

The U.S. government has accused the official of “undermining the democratic process” of the February 28 elections and of “allowing China’s malicious influence in the Salvador elections.”

After the Engel list was added to the salaries of government officials revealed yesterday; The Supreme Court’s magistrate, Guillermo Wellman, released two notes sent to US Secretary of State Anthony Blingen on his Twitter account this Friday and another note to the full session of the DSE.

In a letter to Blinken, Judge Welman, after being mentioned in the list of officials involved in corruption, requested a meeting with Joe Biden, a representative of the administration. As for global rights, it helps me as a human being to have a principle of process and a principle of presumption of innocence. ”

See: USA after the accounts and attributes of those pointed out in the Engel list

“These types of allegations have consequences in a personal, family and professional manner of a national and international nature and, with due respect, this request can be enforced,” the DSE Magistrate notes in the note. , Which includes a copy of the President of the United States; To the Congress of that country and to the US Embassy in El Salvador.

The second note he sent this Friday, July 1, is addressed to the DSE’s governing body, which conducts an internal audit, “to determine whether there was any government involvement or influence in the last elections on February 28 this year, in the preparation of the elections, and the results. An organization, or an international organization, that has exerted some kind of influence to cause serious and unnecessary delays in scheduling ”.

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Info: The actors were identified as corrupt and anti-democratic inside (outside) the Bukele government