The President of the National University of La Plata, Fernando Tauber, distinguished the team of students and teachers from the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences who took first place last month in an internationally prestigious competition, organized by the Hague Tribunal.
The meeting was also attended by the dean of that academic unit, Miguel Berry, and the Secretary of Guidance, Adolfo Broc. and Director of the Criminal Litigation Observatory Gilda Maltas.
The team consists of students Anna Ines Sangiacomo, Matias Lautaro Acaccio, Victoria Essien and Marco Attilio Belotti.
With them, professors like Laura Bono, Giulia Esposito, Manuel Garrido, Mayra A. Scaramotti United Nations University School of Law and received first prize in the final of the 9th Judicial Simulation Competition before the International Criminal Court (ICC), in The Hague.
This was highlighted by the official page of that court: “The National University of La Plata (Argentina) announced the winner of the final match of the Judicial Simulation Competition before the International Criminal Court, Spanish version, which was held in the first courtroom of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands” .
The finalists competed in a fictional issue. They presented their arguments orally in a hearing that was broadcast live on the court’s official website, on the Internet. They played the roles of the prosecutor’s office, legal representation for victims, and defense.
Students from ten universities located in six different countries participated in the initial stages of the competition.
The contest consisted of developing a legal strategy on a fictitious case proposed by the contest organizers. In light of this, students from universities around the world had to submit three proposals within three different writings focusing from the perspectives found in the trial: the prosecution, the legal representation of the victims, and the defence. Thus, memorials were submitted to qualify and proceed to the final stage.
“The public university, and in this case UNLP, is once again positioning itself, at the level of the best institutions in the world; this distinction is a reflection of the quality of education we impart, for outstanding academic teaching,” said Tauber.
The faculty’s teaching team consisted of Laura Bono, Giulia Esposito, Manuel Garrido and Mayra Scaramoti, under the activity of the Criminal Litigation Observatory, led by Professor Gilda Maltas.
The 9th edition of the CPI Judicial Simulation Competition in Spanish was organized by the Ibero-American Institute for Peace, Human Rights and International Justice, with institutional support from the International Criminal Court

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