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Direct payments starting at $1682 in the US

According to reports earlier in the day, the first half of the direct payment of $1,682.00 dollars will be sent in a few days.

In the United States, beneficiaries of the Supplemental Security Income program will receive a stipend of US$1,682.00 in two payments, the first of which will arrive in a few days.

Beneficiaries will receive the first payment of $841.00 on September 1, 2022. A second payment with the same amount of dollars will be made on September 30 because the Defense Administration has upgraded the community.

Couples eligible for this direct payment will receive two installments of $1,261 in September. On the other hand, essential persons, or persons who receive Supplemental Security Income and live with a person providing necessary care, will also receive two payments of $421 each in September.

Second consolidated payment of 2022

As it is known, the second month of 2022 is September 2nd, in which people receive Supplementary Security Income payments. Earlier this scholarship was awarded in April and later in December.

As described above, double payments will compensate for non-remittance months. It ensures that eligible beneficiaries receive 12 payments per year in January, May and October.

In 2023, Social Security payments will increase in the United States

According to analysts, Social Security payments should increase in 2023. This is in response to rising inflation rates. However, some people may earn less than they currently do because the increased payments put them in a higher tax bracket. In other words, the income level to benefit from this assistance will be adjusted.

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According to the agency Nextstar Media WireUnless the United States Congress takes new measures, at current rates, Social Security cannot cover all the benefits needed in the United States.