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Diploma in Forensic Science Challenges in the 21st Century Announced

Editorial/Quadratine Sinaloa

Culiacan, Sinai, 22 September 2024.- The Academic Director of UNIPOL, Carlos Páez Montes, announced the launch of the second edition of the Diploma entitled Challenges of Forensic Science in the 21st Century.

According to a statement, the said diploma will consist of three modules and will be taught by Maida Guette Pierre, Lizbeth Padilla Sanabria, and Nereida Avilés; who have extensive experience in the subjects.

“From September 26 to November 19, it is a diploma of approximately 120 hours, register now, you are a lawyer, you are an operator of the public security system in the state, in the Attorney General’s Office, in the municipalities, in the state. City councils, participation in public security missions or the public in general, well, it is aimed at everyone, we want to have an international diploma that has already arrived,” said Paez Montes.

Registration will close on September 23, for more information, go to the Unipol Academic Directorate, located at Carretera a Navolato KM 12.5, Altos de Bachigualato. It is reported that from the perspective of the continuous training of the teaching staff of the Police University, the educational institution will also implement the Teacher Training and Update Day for 2024.