carry digital transformation subordinate Primary health care On Spain It is the goal that everyone strives for Ministry of Health Like the Autonomous Communities. So Primary care digital transformation planthat you had access to medical writing Which will be presented tomorrow in the Regional Council, and will be divided into a total of Four areas of work That different societies should take into account when proposing collaborative projects.
The A new roadmap developed by the Ministry Directed by Carolina Daria It will promote, in the first place, the implementation of digital tools To facilitate health care In smart health centers to enhance the capabilities of health centers. In this way, it aims to improve Accessibility to The patients and facilitating the work of professionals with tools to support their work.
The personal attention It becomes a mainstay in the new health plan, which must be adapted to each patient based on Circumstances Life and Health, providing professionals with prevention capabilities, issuing individual health alerts and remote risk detection and diagnostic assistance, and applying big data and artificial intelligence technologies.
The other point marked in red that Health will reveal tomorrow is start something digital tools Rated for care support of people chronic diseases and those with higher needs, through Internet of Things (IoT) devices, remote home and hospital monitoring systems, and self-monitoring devices.
Finally, the last hurdle that the government organization wants to face is to promote its digital transformation management support operations. The goal is nothing but to improve evaluation and continuous improvement of services. On the other hand, he also wants to promote transparency and decision-making based on data, which facilitates the work of management and health professionals.
Action lines for the digitization of primary care
Once the different areas of work have been identified, the analysis conducted by the Ministry and the autonomous communities within the framework of the digital health strategy for the social networking system has identified a total of Three functional blocks divided into up Seven lines of action.
Within the first block entitled “Digital transformation of health activity support servicesTwo lines of action have been identified: implementation of management tools, automation of administrative processes, and development of virtual training platforms and content for primary care professionals.
The more complex block is the one associated with “smart health centersworking in up to four lines of business: implementing SSII and purchasing devices to advance telemedicine, deploying solutions to facilitate the delivery of surveillance data in public health, implementing platforms for monitoring management and patient communications and finally developing portals, apps and content for health promotion and disease prevention and add-ons.
Last but not least, the Ministry of Health has created a block “personal attention‘, which will have to prioritize projects related to data capture platforms, physiological parameters and patient activity.
Project implementation and financing
The Ministry of Health with this new plan in primary care to obstetric Nationally scalable projects. highlighting for Autonomous Communities That, along with National Institute of Health AdministrationThey should work together to exchange opinions, information, or even Collaborative project development.
On the other hand, autonomous communities will be required to allocate at least 60 percent of the money assigned to that area for development collaborative projects that pursues the purposes described, and the ability to allocate the remaining 40 percent to projects that have a special interest for the territory.
Calendar and deadlines for collaborative projects
In total it will be created 7 working groups Associated with the different lines, in order to identify and define the selected collaborative projects to be submitted for approval to the Digital Health Commission. Sessions will be held in The first two weeks of April The deadline for submitting collaborative project proposals is today April 13. The Ministry of Health itself will be responsible for evaluating them against the above-mentioned criteria.
In parallel, the Independent Communities and the National Institute of Health Administration will work together to identify and propose projects of an individual nature. term Limit To view these initiatives is May 9.
in June Processing Necessary to obtain permission Council of Ministers From the distribution of funds, prior to approval by the regional board of the national health system.
Although it may contain statements, statements, or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend the reader to consult a health professional for any health-related questions.

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