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Dictator Nicolas Maduro ecstatic in China after meeting with Xi Jinping: “Let’s go to the moon”

Dictator Nicolas Maduro ecstatic in China after meeting with Xi Jinping: “Let’s go to the moon”

Maduro’s statements after his meeting with Xi

venezuela dictator, Nicolas MaduroHe announced in Beijing that “What we’re going to is to the moonThis was after signing with his Chinese counterpart. Xi JinpingIt is a broad agreement that deals with the training of Venezuelan astronauts.

Complete success in the work day. Three and a half hours of work with President Xi Jinping. What we’re going for is the moonMaduro announced in a video clip he posted on the social networking site X, formerly Twitter.

“We have declared the partnership (as) a strategic partnership that is guaranteed for all time, as much as possible. What we will achieve is to go to the moon to a wonderful stage for China and Venezuela,” he added.

Maduro announced, in a speech during his meeting with Xi, that the two countries had agreed to this Young Venezuelans will prepare as astronauts in China With the aim of sending it to the moon.

“The Subcommittee on Scientific, Technological, Industrial and Space Cooperation will be its symbol sooner rather than later The first Venezuelan man and first woman arrive on the moon On a Chinese spaceship,” Maduro announced.

He added: “Very soon Venezuelan youth will come to prepare for astronauts here in Chinese schools.”

Nicolas Maduro with Xi (@NicolasMaduro)

In the document, the two parties “They agreed to further enhance cooperation in the field of aviationand enhancing coordination in platforms such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

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The agreement stipulates that “China and Venezuela are good friends who enjoy mutual trustThey are good partners for common development and desirable partners for strategic cooperation.

In a press conference at the conclusion of his tour, Maduro recounted the last week he spent in China, where he visited the cities of Shenzhen, Shanghai, and Shandong province, before arriving in Beijing.

He stressed that with the tour and the signed document, the two countries begin.A wonderful stage of economic, cultural, educational, civilizational and scientific achievements“From their relationship.

“We have never reached a document with the depth, strategic importance and unanimity that this document has,” Maduro said of the final declaration he signed with Xi.

Xi Jinping greets Nicolas Maduro (Miraflores Palace/Reuters)

Likewise, it expresses Venezuela’s interest in joining the organization BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa), a group of emerging economies that held their last summit in August in Johannesburg, where they announced expansion into six new countries, including Argentina.

He points out that VenezuelaCan contribute significant strengths to the Group’s energy agendaas a reliable supplier and a country with the largest oil reserve certification and the fourth largest natural gas reserve in the world.

China maintains close relations with the internationally isolated Maduro regime, and is one of the main creditors of Venezuela, whose gross domestic product has declined by 80% in a decade due to the impact of the economic crisis.

At the end of the conference, Maduro displayed two gifts given to him by Xi, including a foldable mobile phone from Huawei.

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He said: “I chose Huawei because it is the most secure phone, and it is impossible to hack.”

The other gift was two photos of the visit, one of which shows Maduro and Xi walking with some children, and the other shows the two rulers with their wives.

(Information from Agence France-Presse)