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DeSantis and Ramaswamy launch themselves against Haley in the fourth Republican debate  International

DeSantis and Ramaswamy launch themselves against Haley in the fourth Republican debate International

Nikki Haley is the center of attention Wednesday in the fourth debate of the Republican primary candidates for the 2024 presidential election. Her competitors. Both started hitting on her from her initial intervention, without even having time to warm up. Haley joked: “I love all the attention, people. Thank you. And the fourth candidate in the debate, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, put his finger on the pain: “These three act like there’s competition between the four of us,” he pointed out. Actually, “the fifth guy.” , referring to Donald Trump, who once again has a huge advantage over everyone else.

It’s unclear whether the attacks undermine Haley or strengthen her as an alternative to Trump. Most of the time she was quiet and calm, but also modest, and sometimes she was embarrassed that she did not have time to respond to all the criticism. The enterprising Ramaswami has drawn some boos from the public for his sometimes lazy and rude personal attacks on the candidate. Florida’s governor, DeSantis, was more cautious, but he was also forceful.

Neither portrayed the former South Carolina governor as the only female candidate, pandering to corporate interests and not conservative enough. A fourth debate is being held in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and a fifth debate is currently unscheduled. The primary race begins on January 15 with the Iowa caucuses.

DeSantis never misses an opportunity to attack Haley on any issue that comes up for debate, which is especially notable since that hasn’t been his strategy in previous debates. The Florida governor continues to slide in the polls, with Haley hot on his heels. He has attacked her on issues such as social media, transgender people and immigration, often appearing slightly nervous, gesticulating as if it were a desperate attack, but at times it might have been effective.

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DeSantis and Ramasamy have criticized Haley’s ties to investment firms such as BlackRock. He was attacked for serving on the Boeing board, and resigned after opposing a public bailout. “As for the donors who support me, they’re jealous. “They want you to support them,” he replied.

Ramasamy said Haley was “broke” when he left as ambassador to the United Nations and later joined the board of aerospace company Boeing. “When I left the UN we were not bankrupt: we were public servants. My husband was a soldier and I served our country as a UN ambassador,” she first responded. And she has defended her 10-month tenure on the Boeing board, Covid He noted that he quit during the controversy over bailout funding. “I like Boeing. I opposed the Wall Street bailouts when many Republicans supported them. I tell donors what I believe. “They don’t tell me,” he pointed out.

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Vivek Ramasamy with a handwritten note saying Nikki=corruption, referring to Nikki Haley, at the fourth Republican debate.Brian Snyder (Reuters)

Ramasamy has also attacked prominent Democratic donor Reed Hoffman for giving $250,000 to a political action group that supports him. He said Hoffman was “effectively George Soros Jr.” Ramaswamy had a somewhat childish moment that drew plenty of poses: He pulled out a sign that read “Nikki=corruption.” The moderator said to Haley: “Would you like to answer?” And he dismissed his rival: “No, it’s not worth spending time answering him.” Haley already had a standout moment in the third debate, when she told him, “You’re not a bad person.”

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Christie has come to Haley’s defense at one point, especially against Ramasamy, as the attacks have been so obvious. “This is the fourth debate, and in the first 20 minutes you’re going to be voted the most obnoxious braggart in America. So shut up for a while,” he told her. A way.

Christie is the only one who openly attacked Trump. “It’s often very difficult to be the only person on stage telling the truth,” he said. He has referred to Trump as a “dictator” and a “thug” and, to the silence of his debate partners, has referred to the Harry Potter character “Voldemort”. And he said his rivals may avoid criticizing Trump because they have “future aspirations.” “Maybe those future aspirations are now or four years from now. But the truth is, you have to tell the truth,” he continued.[Trump] It cannot. He is the one who said last week that he wants to use the judiciary to go after his enemies. Perhaps the truth is that he is unfit to be president. And there is no bigger problem in this race than Donald Trump,” he added.

The former New Jersey governor has clashed with DeSantis after not commenting on whether Trump is fit for office. He limited himself to electing someone who was not so old and likely to serve two terms. “If you’re afraid of offending Donald Trump, what are you going to do sitting across from President Xi and the Ayatollah and Putin? You have to be willing to offend the truth and answer the question: Appropriate or inappropriate?”

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Christie, in fact, used his final statement to attack Trump, shouting that he responded: “You can keep denying reality. But if you deny reality as a party, we’re going to have [otros] Four years of Joe Biden.” “Christie is the only one standing up to Trump. His answers have tried to get the guy with at least a 40-point lead. “The rest are pushing that advantage.” tweeted the former Republican National Committee chairman.

For his part, Ramasamy, who floated a number of far-right conspiracy theories during the debate, including that the attack on the Capitol was a set-up, wasted his closing intervention by calling climate change a hoax.

Haley and DeSantis were two of Trump’s immediate supporters in the poll. The candidate pitched himself as a replacement for the former president, quoting him openly: “We have to stop the chaos, but you can’t beat Democratic chaos with Republican chaos. That’s what Donald Trump is giving us. My approach is different. No drama. No “revenge.” Has sought: “We have to win again as a party, win elections, which have been difficult for us, but also win on the big issues. And no one has beaten them more than I have in the state of Florida, issue after issue. “We won, we won big. , and that’s what we’ll do for you.”

Meanwhile, Trump has fundraising events on his agenda. He continues to lead in the number of votes. “There was no real winner tonight [Ala]Bama, the boy who lives north of Boca [Ratón]”, wrote Republican candidate Scott Walker in 2016. “None of the candidates dropped support for the favorite tonight or in the previous debates,” he added.

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