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“Danilo Medina identifies himself as ‘vote collector’ by Abel Martinez” |  Daily menu

“Danilo Medina identifies himself as ‘vote collector’ by Abel Martinez” | Daily menu

Former President of the Republic Danilo Medina said that he comes as a “collector” to ask for votes for the government. Presidential candidate Abel Martinezfor those who are grateful to the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD).

“Today I come to gather, I come as a gatherer, I want you to do it This gratitude they have towards PLD Our wages in February and May, voting for mayors in February and voting in May for candidates for representatives and senators, especially for our colleague Abel Martinez, who… He will be the next president of the Dominican RepublicMedina said after asking attendees of the missionary activity if they were grateful to PLD.

The former president was on Thursday in the community of Las Gordas, in the municipal district of Nagoa, Maria Trinidad Sánchez province.

Medina said that when he was president (2012-2016, 2016-2020), His administration was a role model for other presidents.

“We were the model that everyone wanted to imitate. In Latin America, for example, all the presidents who won the elections before assuming power came to me, to tell them what a miracle had occurred in the Dominican Republic, that it was a miracle that he would return, colleagues. He would return, and in his hands would be to return… “.

Former President Medina, in his words, highlighted the presence of the former MP there pedro dolio, A famous rancher from the area, introduced by Maria Trinidad Sanchez as the next district senator.

In the meeting that concluded with the words of Danilo Medina, the director of Las Gordas, Julio Cesar de la Cruz, also spoke, who welcomed; Also participating in the meeting were Djadjili Jerez, from oregano producers, Eddie Lantigua from the fishermen’s cooperative, José Alberto García from the cooperative, Cholera, Hilario Pérez, director of the Bupa Fishermen’s Association, and others.

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