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Daniel decorated a soldier from the US Southern Command in 2019, which in his mind was “treason”.

Daniel decorated a soldier from the US Southern Command in 2019, which in his mind was “treason”.

Daniel Ortega, who declared his brother Humberto Ortega a “traitor to the country” for dressing down the US military representative in Managua 32 years ago, committed treason by dressing up in his own words on September 02. 2019 Lt. Col. William Hogan, the representative of the United States Southern Command in Managua at the time.

On May 28, Ortega described it as a “disgrace” for “betraying the country”, which he accused of maintaining good relations with “the enemy of the people and the army”. His brother, Humberto, was appointed in 1992 by Lt. Col. Dennis F., head of the US government’s military attaché office in Managua. Ortega rescinded by presidential decree this week the Nicaraguan military’s gold Camilo Ortega medal to Quinn. He said the decoration he considers “disgraceful”.

But Ortega and the current military chief did the same in 2017, 2018 and 2019 amid a socio-political crisis.

And in 2019, it was Ortega who decorated Lt. Col. William Hogan, representative of the United States Southern Command. Daniel Ortega thrust on his chest “the 40th anniversary commemorative medal of the Nicaraguan Army,” which is “awarded to foreign dignitaries participating in the central activities of the 40th anniversary of the Constitution of the Nicaraguan Army, in recognition of friendly relations and existing cooperation with the Nicaraguan Army,” referring to the order signed by the military command.

The order was signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Nicaraguan Army, Army General Julio Cesar Aviles Castillo. In the third paragraph, the army chief revealed: “On behalf of the Nicaraguan Army, the General Command and myself, I congratulate the decorated personnel for receiving this remarkable recognition.”

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In 2017, the Representing the General Command, Major General Bayardo Ramon Rodríguez presented the “Medal of Honor for Friendship and Cooperation”.Lt. Col. Steven Michael Winkleman, the security attaché attached to the U.S. Embassy, ​​”in recognition of the ties of friendship and cooperation with the Nicaraguan military,” a military memo issued in May 2017 notes.

The following year, 2018, in the midst of a socio-political crisis, Major General Bayardo Ramón Rodríguez, representing the General Command of the Nicaraguan Army, decorated Colonel Darren Lynn, the United States’ principal officer for security affairs in Managua.

In 2019, Lt. Col. William Hogan, representative of the U.S. Southern Command at the time, decorated Ortega himself, according to Channel 6’s live broadcast footage.