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Dani Alves goes to prison without the right to bail in a sexual assault case

Dani Alves goes to prison without the right to bail in a sexual assault case

Barcelona – The investigating judge agreed to imprison the Brazilian without bail Daniel Alvesaccused of sexually assaulting a woman in the bathrooms of a nightclub in Barcelona on the night of December 30.

The President of Court No. 15 of Barcelona accepted the request of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Special Prosecution of the Complainant and sent the footballer who currently plays in Mexico with Pumas de la UNAM to prison.

Sources from the Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalan Police) have revealed to ESPN Deportes that Dani Alves has been transferred to Briance Prison, where he will remain in preventive detention until a trial date is set.

Dani Alves testified before the examining magistrate in the afternoon and after she did the complainant, who repeated statements she had already made when she filed the complaint on January 2.

Alves, who was taken from Les Corts police station to Ciudad de la Justicia in the Catalan capital in a patrol car, was kept waiting in a cell until he gave his statement, after which he returned to the cell to await the decision of the judge who upheld the request of the prosecution and the private prosecution.

The seriousness of the facts, according to the complainant’s statement, led to his insistence on putting him in prison, which, according to the sources consulted, represented the danger of his escape.

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In his statement, Alves asserted that there was no kind of sexual assault, contrary to what was expressed by the complainant, who detailed a completely different account in which she even stated that she was raped and penetrated by the Brazilian footballer in the bathroom of the nightclub’s VIP area.

The Catalan police arrested Dani Alves on Friday after returning to Spain from Mexico, where he currently resides because he plays with the Pumas, and a statement was taken from him as an investigation at the Les Corts police station in Barcelona.