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Culture – Monte Plata: Let’s celebrate the 1st International Festival of Arts!

Culture – Monte Plata: Let’s celebrate the 1st International Festival of Arts!

Fausto H Moreno

It is certain that through art, people express themselves and are manifested. In response, dozens of countries from 4 continents had the opportunity to show their identities through the 1st International Festival of Visual Arts (FIAV). The initiative, to celebrate its minute details, belongs to the Foundation for Development (Fundemopla) and Quintessence.

Socrates Troncoso, President of the Foundation, stated that the participation of artists representing the United States, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Cuba, Senegal, Chile, Panama, India, Uruguay and Puerto Rico has been confirmed so far. Ecuador, Russia, Syria, Taiwan, Slovakia, Cricia, Kenya, Guatemala, Haiti, Colombia, Libya, Peru, Turkey, Venezuela, Costa Rica, as well as the Dominican Republic, which is the host country.

He points out that the big event, which makes Monte Plata the world capital of visual arts, will be held from 22 to 24 of this month, in the multi-purpose Santo Angel Pejero and that they hope to gain the support of the population, especially from the local community. Mistress of the arts.

She considers the activity to be the most important in her class. “FIAV will bring together 120 artists from 34 countries in 10 categories: painting, installation, digital art, video, painting, performance, sculpture, engraving, photography and dance,” Troncoso says.

activity goal

Troncoso, who is also an artist, emphasized that FIAV seeks to increase the interest of the Dominicans to develop their talents in artistic matters, and to strengthen initiatives in this regard, both nationally and internationally.

The organizer explains, “Our directions refer to highlighting the visual arts of our country and at the same time seek to communicate with the trends and proposals of the artistic bloc abroad.”

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The most important objectives of FIAV are: to form an art school with the artists of the province of Monte Plata, to place this region before the eyes of the state and the world in an important space in terms of talent and the realization of this kind of event that transcends the borders of the Dominican Republic.

Also take advantage of FIAV as a platform that enables surveying of artists connected by these boundaries, promoting the visual arts, and strengthening links between the artistic community and the general public.

A committee

For the compilation of FIAV, a committee has been in operation for several months and is chaired by the President of Fundemopla, Socrates Troncoso and composed of Angel Contreras, Widal de los Santos, Pablo Bayero Rafael Rivera, Clemente de Leon, Francisco David, Hedel Contreras, Mariville Contreras, Gidel Ramirez, Carmenia Severino, Wilson Burgos, Fausto Moreno, among others.

The organizing committee decided that there would be three winners for each category, first, second and third place. In addition to a special award called the “Great Silver Falcon”, which is awarded to the most outstanding artistic participation.