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Cuauhtémoc Blanco government strengthens advocacy for the study of science among children and youth – La Crónica de Morelos |  News

Cuauhtémoc Blanco government strengthens advocacy for the study of science among children and youth – La Crónica de Morelos | News

Governor Cuauhtemoc Blanco Bravo inaugurated Museum Festival 2022to celebrate the thirteenth anniversary of Science Museum of the Council of Science and Technology of the State of Morelos (CCyTEM), Morelos Center for Scientific Communication (CeMoCC), which was created as a space dedicated to the publication of topics of interest in this matter.

State authorities have arrived at the San Miguel Acapantingo ecological park in Cuernavaca, to start the official work and day of activities involving 32 research centers, seven institutions of higher education and 12 independent publishers.

Through the Department of Economic Development and Labor (SDEyT) a series of Scientific and technological exhibitions and workshopsaimed at children and teens who will learn in an entertaining way.

In his speech, Cuauhtemoc Blanco highlighted the collaboration of professionals invited to this exhibition, focusing on strengthening the call for the study of science among children and young people.

He stressed the efforts made in order for the 2022 Festival Museum to target the student community and the general public, and the event to become an enjoyable option for learning, coexistence and improvement.

Additionally, the president released a message on April 30, “I want to send my best wishes to all Morelos girls and boys, have a nice day with your loved ones, and never stop smiling, you are our hope for a better world. Congratulations.”

Meanwhile, Ana Cecilia Rodríguez González, President (SDEyT) explained that “during this exhibition, the mathematics room, called Infinito, jointly developed with the UNAM Institute of Mathematics, with resources from Impepac, dedicated to science and technology, will be opened.”

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The mayor of Cuernavaca, José Luis Oriostegui Salgado, also expressed “we want it to be a great day for those who love science and technology. We are having fun, knowing all the fairs that have been held so that we learn more about science and technology.”

Next, a tour of the new math room was given, where visitors could apply their knowledge in operations using natural numbers, nodes, inversions, and equations.

This activity was attended by the Heads of the Secretariats, Victor Mercado Salgado, Mobility and Transport; Sandra Anaya Villegas, from Management; Marco Antonio Canto Cuevas, from Health; Jose Luis Galindo Cortez, from Sustainable Development; Samuel Sotelo Salgado; legal advisor to the executive branch; Jaime Juarez Lopez, responsible for the office of the Executive Secretariat of the State Water Commission.

Also, Elva Jazmín Fadul Guillén, General Manager of the DIF Morelos system; Gustavo Urquiza Beltran, President of the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos (UAEM); Andrea Angelica Ramirez Bolin, CCyTEM Office Officer; Adrien Margarito Medina Canizal, Director of CeMoCC, and Daniel Fernando Dominguez Ocampo, Mayor of Zacualpan de Amilpas.

On behalf of the legislature, Mirna Zavala Zúñiga, Ariadna Barrera Vásquez, Erika Hernández Gordillo and Oscar Cano Mondragon.

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