East Africa News Post

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CTE Guiteras stopped again

The Cuban Electricity Union (UNE) reports that CTE Guiteras is shutting down again, this time due to high water consumption due to a boiler leak.

Not even 24 hours had passed since UNE denied that the thermal power plant had not been synchronized and that a “general blackout” would occur, when they reported their new production.

At approximately 7:30 a.m. on Friday, October 14, the company notified that “the unit of CTE Antonio Guitras works with High water consumption due to boiler leakSo it is necessary to leave during today’s schedule to fix and correct the defect.”

According to the regional government of the People’s Power in Matanzas, “this Failure has nothing to do with working on the exciting generator And yes, with its boiler damaged.”

“It’s better not to advertise Guiteras anymore. Don’t build so many hotels and use the money on thermal power plants that should belong to the city,” one user commented in the UNE corporate profile.

“How can it be that every day, and I repeat, every day, there are thermal thermal units and plants out of service? It is really incomprehensible that this is happening in the 21st century. If they are all so bad you can’t invest in anything else,” said one Begokal resident. apart that”.

Along the same lines, another Cuban is shocked by the fact that everyone is focused on Guiteras when there are other CTEs that haven’t returned in months since their collapse.

“There is talk of the Guitars, but what about the others? Otto Parrillada is not mentioned anywhere. It has been out of order for over 3 months and nothing. Rental units when? The guy in Santa Cruz was in the process of starting yesterday. What happened?”.

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Discontent grips most impatient Cubans, who believe less and less in these daily reports. “La Guiteras and the Tale of the Good Pipe”, mention the others.

With this “thunder”, UNE Climate forecast With an effect of 1264 MW in peak hours. It will be another night of long blackouts in Cuba.