Alex Soriano.
exist Infectious disease specialists who claim they do not deserve a particular field of training (ACE), included in the Royal Decree on Specializations. They want to specialize now. They consider that Covid-19 has made it more visible. Although, that’s not the only reason why they hint at demanding it.
“specialty Infection is more urgent and necessary than ever. The pandemic has highlighted the need for Spain to be no exception and to have specialists like the rest of modern countries. We want him to fix this unexplained scientific paradox.” Jose Miguel CisnerosSpokesperson for the Spanish Society of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology (Seimc).
“Nobody imagines that there are no specialists in cardiology. Well, it’s the same: Patients with serious and complex illnesses benefit greatly from having cardiologists, which does not mean that people with these diseases receive care from internists or primary care professionals, he continues. They are one or more common diseases of the heart, nervous system, kidneys, or lungs. That is why we need infectious disease specialists to care for patients with serious and complex infections.”
In his opinion, this is not to say that ACE falls short: it is the specialty itself Five training areas can be created: HIV, imported diseases, and related infections Health care and multi-resistant bacterial infections… “You just have to ask the MIR in which field they ask more questions. The level of knowledge is as extraordinary as in cardiology,” he confirms.
Antimicrobial resistance is another cause
Alex Soriano Villadomio, The head of the Infectious Diseases Service at the Klinik believes that with Covid-19 it has remained clear that the specialty of infectious diseases “should really be on the table”. But not just that: “The role these services are playing with the coronavirus pandemic has clearly been with many other specialties, from internists and rheumatologists to understand the inflammatory response, through to immunologists, pulmonologists, and intensive care specialists. But you have to do it. . Study of antimicrobial resistance. You must have deep knowledge because this is a first level problem.”, Indicates.
The Infection prevention and treatment are essential. The science of infection is the longest chapter in Harrison’s book [Principios de la Medina Interna]. The knowledge to be gained about microorganisms, about treatments or entities is so broad that what I don’t understand is that this is being discussed.”
Regarding whether a specific training area (ACE) could cover it, he indicated that it was both yes and no. “Everything can be a training field,” he says. “I supported coaching 10 years ago because I knew well that in a decade we would be where we are, without a major.” He admits that he was there at that time among the contagionists.”A certain division between those who said either specialty or nothing.. He chose an intermediate method rather than the latter.
“Spain is ranked as a country where we are considered world leaders in infection science. We are ahead in the world of organ transplantation and the world of treating infections of all kinds. Scientific production distinguishes it. But this will be lost because there is no proper transfer of knowledge, we have had no training, no specialization. It’s already lost.”
He argues that if we continue like this for another decade, there is a real danger of losing “something we had, which at a given moment arises from the need for internal medicine and from the momentum, from a group of people pulling the car in front of us. But after 20, 30 or 40 years no It could go on like this. At this time or the infection either disappears or solidifies. This is very dangerous,”
Although it may contain statements, statements or notes from health institutions or professionals, the information in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader be consulted on any health-related question with a healthcare professional.

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