National Council for Scientific and Technical Researchcone) again ranked first in SCImago Ranking 2021 Among the government agencies in Latin America dedicated to research.
It’s a ranking that rates more than 7,000 research-focused institutions and universities around the world. What is more, In 2021, CONICET was positioned as the best scientific institution in the country.
The results of the thirteenth edition of this ranking reflect that in the field of government institutions, but at the global level, CONICET ranked 26 out of 1587 institutions, while it ranked 13th globally in terms of research and social impact index. in government institutions around the world.
It is worth noting that in the 2021 edition a total of 7,533 institutions from around the world were evaluated, and CONICET approved 195th place, placing it Three jobs above 2020. Once again, the Chinese Academy of Sciences ranked first in the SCImago ranking.
The SCImago Institutions Ranking is a ranking of higher education institutions and research centers that has been implemented since 2009, and focuses entirely on research, using the scientific database Scopus as a source.
To compile this edition’s list, SCImago considered results obtained over the five-year period between 2015 and 2019. The only exception is the case of web indices, which are computed with last year’s values.
The measurement process is based on 17 indicators, which analyze the standard impact of scientific production, excellence is measured according to the publication in which the institution is the main contributor, the total number of publications issued in the period, and scientific. Gained leadership at the institutional level, international cooperation and percentage of documents published in open access journals.
As specified in its policies, the main objective pursued by this arrangement is to contribute to decision-making, the development of public and institutional policies and the development of road maps for the promotion of research activity and the continuous improvement of institutions.

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