WhatsApp, the instant messaging app used by more than 2 billion people around the world, has a function that many users don't know about, but it can be very useful. This is “Companion Mode,” which allows users to link their accounts on another phone without logging out of the primary device.
Let's remember that this option is part of the Multi-Device Mode, which is the option that allows this Access to different versions of this service, in addition to the mobile versionsuch as: WhatsApp Web (browsers), WhatsApp for Windows and MacOS (software on computers), as well as the native application for Android tablets and smart watches.
In this case, the tool It makes it easy for them all to work independently of the phonewhich practically allows you to use these different platforms normally, even if your cell phone is not connected to the Internet or is switched off.
In fact, Multi-Device Mode is designed to allow users Link your account to up to five different WhatsApp platforms Without the need for constant contact with a cell phone.
To operate a WhatsApp account from a secondary smartphone, Keep the main account activeit is necessary:
- Verify that the WhatsApp application has the main account You have no pending updates.
- Download WhatsApp On the secondary phone.
- If you already have an account opened on the secondary phone, it is necessary to duplicate it With the “Dual Messenger” option. robot.
- Open the application or copy it on the second computer and Click “Accept and Continue”.
- on the screen to register a new number, Click on the three dots icon In the upper right corner.
- Several options will appear Touch the device that says “Pair as an additional device” The QR code will appear.
- Open the WhatsApp app on your main smartphone, tap the three dots at the top right, tap “Linked devices” and then Then on “Pair Device”.
- Scan the QR with the camera and Wait a few seconds To sync your chat history.
Upon completion of the process, the message history will be synced, allowing simultaneous use of the account on both phones, while restricting it to only two phones at the same time. It is important to highlight this Any action taken on one device will be reflected on the other device.
This option also underscores WhatsApp's commitment to innovation and continuous improvement of the user experience, with the goal of… Adapting to modern communications needs That requires versatility and reliability.
The instant messaging application features A large number of jobsSome of them are not well known, although this does not detract from their usefulness. Some are:
- Send messages without adding contacts: You can use the “Click to Chat” function in WhatsApp to send messages to numbers that are not saved in your phonebook. This will also log in to a browser and write to the URL: https://wa.me/númerodetelfono, reemplazando “númerodeteléfono” con el número complete, encluido el codigo de país, sin signos de más (+) ni ceros (0) al Get started.
- Listen to audio recordings before sending them: Before sending a voice message that can be heard by pressing the record button and moving it up to lock the recording. Once finished, you can listen to it before you decide to send or delete it.
- Dark mode in the web version: Although dark mode is an option directly accessible in the mobile app, an additional trick is required in the web version. To activate it, open WhatsApp Web and press the keys Ctrl + Shift + I to access the developer tools. Then find and select 'Console' option and enter the code: document.body.classList.add('dark'); And then press Enter. This will instantly change the WhatsApp Web theme to dark mode.
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