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City Council “revitalizes” the science table to strengthen it as a “great ally” for city challenges

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It is working on a document signed by all its constituent entities with the unanimous support to nominate Granada as the headquarters of the Artificial Intelligence Agency.

This week, Granada City Council hosted a new science agenda meeting. Photo: Granada City Hall

city ​​council Grenade Reactivated this week science table At a meeting in which all its members participated and it was agreed, according to the mayor, Francisco Cuenca, to “strengthen” the role of this body as a “great ally in the face of important scientific challenges”, such as where the headquarters of the State agency for artificial intelligence and being “a primary actor in all the benefits that the arrival of Ifmif-Dones in the province will bring”.

For this, with the progress of Cuenca, the Science Table is already preparing a document signed by all the institutions and entities that compose it unanimously to nominate Granada as the headquarters of the State Agency for Artificial Intelligence, which will join all those that the capital has already received from Andalusian public universities, and a significant part of city councils In the provincial capitals of the region, the provincial council, the Andalusian government, and the business sector among other objects.

The mayor commented, “Granada is going through an exciting time, with a clear and ambitious city project that realizes that development must come in part from the hand of science and knowledge,” adding, “We face the future and aspire to everything and for this, we have human talent; we have one of the best universities in the world.” , especially in all areas related to computer science and artificial intelligence, and companies already working in this field that join those already on our Earth and form a unique ecosystem, creating wealth for this city and transforming the traditional productive model of Granada.”

Besides, the schedule has already begun to work on what will be the fourth edition of Granada City Awards for Science and Innovationwhich will have some modifications such as the incorporation of Vithas Granada as a new collaborator, as well as “amendments” to the rules of the competition that will allow “solidify the commitment” of these awards as “great representatives of talents in knowledge and innovation”.

Finally, according to an alderman, another “big challenge” posed by the science agenda is to develop a plan for the dissemination of science that works over the entire city and that allows Granada to become itself a “level one scientific publishing space”, with a consistent calendar of activities throughout the year .

in this session science table It is chaired by the Mayor, the Andalusian Government, the PTS Foundation, the Science Park, the Discover Foundation, the Madoc, the five CSIC Centers of Granada, Vízas Granada, the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of Granada, represented by Círculo Tecnológico and OnTech Granada, the Artistic, Literary and Scientific Center of Granada, Among other institutions.