Zaragoza, August 21 (European press) –
From 14 to 20 August, researchers from the Plant Sciences Department of the Center for Research in Agro-Food and Technology of Aragon (CITA) gave various oral presentations and flash posters of their projects at the 31st International Congress of Horticulture (IHC 2022), which will be held in Angers (France).
This meeting brought together researchers from all over the world and is the most important quadrennial scientific event related to horticulture under the auspices of the International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS).
The scientific program of the conference was organized into 25 symposia with lectures, oral presentations and electronic posters, the Aragonese government said in a press release.
CITA has issued a communiqué entitled “Assessment of Flesh Color Diversity in Classified Apple Germplasm assemblies by Image Analysis” (Assessment of Flesh Color Diversity in Apple Germplasm assemblies through Image Analysis) where Anna Peña, Francesco Javier Bielsa, Lourdes Castell, Patricia Irisari and Pilar Iria of CITA with Researchers from the Public University of Navarra (UPNA): Carlos Miranda Jimenez, Julia Arellano, Ana Valencia, Jorge Orestarazo, L.
Ana Pina, Francisco Javier Bielsa, Patricia Irisari and Pilar Iria of CITA together with Carlos Miranda, L Gonzaga Santesteban and Jorge Urrestarazu, of UPNA also presented the label “ differential expression of key enzymes involved in browning of the pulp. Manzano (differential expression of key enzymes involved in browning the fruit flesh of apples).
Erica Vadone of CITA collaborated to deliver two posters, entitled “Genetic and epigenetic regulation of Prunus Avium L response time: designing a conceptual model” (Genetic and genetic regulation of dormancy in Prunus Avium L: designing a conceptual model) with Esteban Soto, Eduardo Fernandez and Ike Lodeling of the University of Bonn; and ‘5-azacytidine-induced DNA hypomethylation enhances dormancy release in Prunus Avium L.’ (DNA hypomethylation induced by 5-azacytidine enhances dormancy release in Prunus Avium L.), along with Esteban Soto, Eduardo Fernández and Thorsten Kraska.
Diversity of European islands
Similarly, the oral communication “Exploring the Diversity of European Islands through Public-Private Partnerships at the EVA Carrot Project” (Exploring the Diversity of European Islands through Public-Private Partnerships at EVA Carrot) was presented, featuring Christina Mallor of CITA alongside researchers Emmanuel Geoffriau and Sandra Gorechnig, Paulo Bagan, Arnaud Thabois, Juliette Chevalier, Annette Hagnefelt, Nicoleta Bertolin, Sylvia Salgon, Misha Groenwegen, Aurélie Ingrimo, Paul Hovelmanns, Thomas Neuthnagel, Violetta Lopez and Charlotte Allender.
Giuliana Navarro and David Gimeno of CITA, along with Azucena González Coloma of the Institute of Agricultural Sciences (CSIC) presented the oral communication “Cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants in the drylands of Spain-Aragon. An alternative for farmers (MAP crops in the drylands of Aragon-Spain: an alternative for farmers) ) and the poster “Production of essential oils of different types in two regions of Aragon” (Production of essential oils of different types in two regions of Aragon).
In addition, Giuliana Navarro was a member of the Scientific Committee of the Symposium on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants held at this conference.

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