Mexico City (apro). Students from the Center for Economic Research and Education (CIDE) have reported that they will carry out a 24-hour strike on Tuesday, May 2, to protest the approval of the Common Law for the Humanities and Sciences. Technology and innovation in the Senate of the Republic.
The decision was made Monday night, after a poll called for by the collective for criticism and social engagement, CIDEOllin, in which 89% of the vote supported the protest.
They explained in a statement that the legislative reform process that approved the aforementioned law “affects the scientific and academic community of public institutions in the country in various ways.”
On the one hand, they said: “It militarizes science, takes away the autonomy in managing and organizing scientific work in the country, violates the budget allocated to science, and endangers scientific freedom. On the other hand, it has been promoted through an irregular and non-transparent process.”
In this way, the Cideí students joined the call made by the various scientific and public educational bodies in the country to carry out a 24-hour strike on May 2.
“We demand that the Mexican scientific community listen to its demand for independent, free and critical action. As university students, we share the indignation towards the reform process of the National Science and Technology Council and we urge the relevant authorities to make decisions based on the scientific and technological prosperity of Mexico, taking into account the voices of those who make up this community.” They added. .
The students also expressed their solidarity “with all scientific and academic bodies affected by this reform, and we demand clarity in the process and listening to the legitimate demands of the scientific, student and academic community. Science is the engine of our development and scientific freedom is essential to its exercise.”
Finally, they appealed to “democratization before indiscriminate reform and solidarity before political expediency”.

“Social media evangelist. Student. Reader. Troublemaker. Typical introvert.”
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