We dream he’s competing at a top-flight club, but the reality is different: last weekend he was taking turns in a pichanga/deep hen. Monday will be a month from then Christian Cave He received a final decision from TAS in which he reaffirms the millionaire’s amount that he must present to the Brazilian Santos FC, after his controversial departure in the 2019 season to sign for the Mexican Pachuca, and therefore both must pay the millionaire’s amount to the Brazilian club, about $ 4.7 million.
interview: “I lowered the record three times and they didn’t even pay me 10 cents.”
For this reason, last Thursday we published the interview with the legal advisor of Santos so that he could explain the situation in which Cristian Cueva is involved with the Mexican team Pachuca. “Now we are waiting for a situation from the player and Pachuca, because the decision was published a month ago. They still have the opportunity to file an appeal or appeal to the Swiss Supreme Court, but this is very difficult, because it is a very difficult procedure for cases where there is some error or some misinterpretation of the law.” Then comes the part where we are going to collect the amount of the debt, and now, it’s just a moment that we have to wait and wait for the position, “explained Cristiano Case.
What is the deadline for appeal? The ruling became official on January 27, so the deadline for appeal is 30 days from the publication of the ruling. That is, until February 27 – this Monday -. “They are in this term. Later, given the position of all football clubs, when the process is at this stage, the best possibility we have is to reach an agreement to determine the fee for how the estimated parts will be paid. It’s time to wait for what Pachuca does. “We have to wait from Santos”.
El Comercio contacted Armando Martinez, the president of Pachuca, a Mexican team embroiled in this legal mess, along with Christian Cueva before Santos of Brazil, to hear his version of the matter.
“It is our lawyers who see this situation, Jean-Pierre, I could not tell you anything, because the administrative and legal field of the club sees it directly. I understand that they will negotiate with the club and with the player Christian Cueva,” he told the newspaper at the beginning.
Finally, we ask you: do you think this legal mess with Christian Cueva is affecting the image of your organization? He replied as follows. “We are not responsible for anything, because we did everything in good faith, and the media knows that our institution has always adhered to principles and laws and this should not change our image.”sentenced the president of Pachuca El Comercio.
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