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On Saturday, Chile added 607 new cases of COVID-19, Which means that the state has Two weeks with less than 1,000 infections per day and the epidemic continues to recede, although there is an infectious delta variant.
Thus, the total balance since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020 remains the same 1.63 million infected and 36,841 deathsAfter recording 34 deaths in the past 24 hours.
Whereas the national positivity rate — the percentage of people who tested positive for the infection among all those who took the PCR test — was 1% and 2% in the metropolitan area, Which includes the capital and where there are more than 8 out of 19 million of the country’s population.
Positive rate less than 5% for two consecutive weeks is one of the epidemiological standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) To consider epidemic control, a requirement that Chile has met for weeks.
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“One of the main pillars of the health strategy we promoted is tests. We have passed 20 million diagnostic testsHealth Minister said, Enrique Paris.
As stated by the health authorities 4,206 active cases (compared to more than 40,000 people who could be infectious at the worst moments of the pandemic) and fewer than 724 patients in intensive care units, A number we haven’t seen in a year and a half.
one dimension The dangerous second wave that put the hospital system on the ropes between March and JuneIn Chile, the epidemic is being brought under control, despite the authorities imposing a curfew and closing borders for tourists, being one of the last countries in the region to lift this restriction.
improvement occurs in Parallel to one of the most successful vaccination campaigns in the world: more than 13 million people have a complete treatment regimen (more than 84% of the population are subject to vaccination)Most of them are from China Coronavac Made by Sinovac, but also Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Cancino.
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At the beginning of August Third dose vaccination for those over 55 years of age who have already completed their coronavac vaccination More than a million people have already received the extra shot.
In this context, Chile was the scene of the first full-fledged rock concert on Thursday, as part of a scientific experiment. The return to partying was achieved after 17 months with negative PCR and mandatory mask entry and she was baptized as “La Música Ensaya”.
The study was responsible for the Chilean Society of Composers and Interpreters (SCD) and the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile, seeking to Scientific conclusions for returning to parties and other cultural activities in times of COVID.
With instruments from your favorite band and yearning to get back to dancing and buzzing among strangers, Those who attended this experience in Santiago enjoyed an hour to the rhythm of funk rock by Shancho en Piedra., a famous Chilean band that turned its followers into volunteers in a clinical trial that began at 8 a.m., in the middle of winter, with PCR in the hospital.
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All of those who tested negative got the night touch in a room also with hygienic protocols and, as the new age dictated, with masks and alcohol gel on hand.
(with information from the EFE and AFP)
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