The field of Engineering and Chemical Sciences held the SGI Forum: Integrating Continuous Improvement, aimed at students of industrial, systems and petroleum engineering.
As the first speaker, Mr. Estuardo Uribe Villareal, CEO of Work in Green SA de CV with the topic: ISO 14001 to reduce environmental impact, where he explained to the students the importance of knowing the standard and everything related to compliance with environmental legislation.
The speaker highlighted the importance of implementing the ISO 14001 standard in companies, and explained the consequences of not having it.
At the end of their talk, the students were able to clear their doubts and even get tips to start building their own company.
The second speaker was the participation of engineer Luis Eduardo Luna Lambaria, workplace safety specialist at the Mexican Social Security Institute, who shared his knowledge and experiences with young people and conducted dynamics with them in order to explain the importance of applying security measures at all times inside and outside the company.
Finally Mrs. Mariela Montoya del Ángel, Head of Quality Assurance and Quality Control at Styropek SA de CV, presented the conference “Quality is a fundamental pillar for exceeding the expectations and needs of stakeholders”, who pointed out the importance of knowing company regulations and standards and why all this (the employer and the employee) must Be aware of the rules.
At the end of the event, the Director of the Engineering and Chemical Sciences Area, Eng. Jaime Alfredo Mariano Torres thanked the speakers for their cooperation and commended them for sharing their workplace experiences with the students. He also urged the students to constantly prepare themselves through the talks, courses and workshops offered by the academic field. Serve them in the future in the workplace.
The aim of this type of activity is to provide students with what they need in terms of training with the validity of the curriculum to enrich their professional profile.
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