During a heated debate in the Chamber of Deputies on a resolution recommending the President of the Republic, Louis Abenader, to sign an international agreement or declaration, A number of deputies decided to withdraw their signatures from the minutes when they realized what it said.
The ‘controversial’ resolution demands the executive branch to abide by and sign the Geneva Declaration of Consensus on the Promotion of Women’s Health and the Strengthening of the Familyby Representative Elias Wissin Chavez.
This decision was studied by the Standing Committee on Gender Equality, which, with the voice of its Chairman, Magda Rodriguez, submitted an unfavorable report and asked for a negative vote.
Among the arguments used by Rodriguez is that it is the executive branch that signs the agreement and draws the line for international relations, and that the aforementioned decision was signed mostly by Muslim countries where “women’s rights are not guaranteed.”
These arguments as well as other criticisms of the decision, They were loaned by other deputies who agreed with Rodriguez, While other lawmakers supported its approval, rejecting the statements of the head of the commission.
However, several members of the commission who signed the report stated that they had not read the report and requested that their signatures be withdrawn from it.
In this list the representatives appear Ysabel de la Cruz, Nelsa Shoraya Suárez, Carlixta Paula and Carlos Higinio de Jesús.
After the signatures were withdrawn, the decision’s supporter, Ysin Chavez, accused the commission’s chairwoman, Magda Rodriguez, of substituting the signatures.
Faced with the accusation, Rodriguez said, “She feels ashamed of belonging to the Congress he’s in. People sign without reading And ideological extremism is above common sense”, while asserting “She has no wealth, the only thing she owns is her honor and her work speaks on her behalf.”
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