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Cedimat recognizes three physicians as eminent professors of the Center

Cedimat recognizes three physicians as eminent professors of the Center

The Center for Advanced Diagnosis and Advanced Medicine and Medical Conferences and Telemedicine (CEDIMAT) has recognized three outstanding physicians as eminent professors of medical residences taught at the Health Center.

It’s an internist and epidemiologist, Jose Unen; Cardiologist and Internist, Mario Garcia and Internist, Gustavo Hoodebert.

According to Dr. George Marte, Medical Director of CEDIMAT, this recognition expands the quality of the teaching staff with the inclusion of eminent international figures in the field of healthcare.

“Our desire is for these three eminent professionals to continue to impart their knowledge to the next generation of physicians, as CDMate’s Quality Center focuses not only on providing good health care to its patients, but also on training physicians. Will be a companion for future generations, he said.

Dr. Unen is an Intensive Care Physician who is certified for all the specialties and neurological severity he mentioned, in addition he is a staff physician at the Albert Einstein Medical College in the intensive care unit of Montifere Hospital in the Bronx. In New York, he is also the head of the ARS UN.

Dr. Garcia is a Cardiac Imaging Specialist, board certified in all three of his specialties, and is currently the Head of Cardiology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Montfiore Hospital, and the Director of the Cardiology Division of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). )

Similarly, Associate Dean for Postgraduate Studies at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, Certified Doctor in Internal Medicine. Hoodebert was also recognized as a professor at the American College of Physicians, a prestigious organization of medical professionals in the United States. States that have held senior executive positions as members of the Regents Board. He is currently the Editor – in – Chief of the Annals of Internal Medicine: Clinical Case.

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In addition to the award-winning physicians and Martே, the Director of the Cardiology Center, Dr. César Herrera, Dr. Many, including Julia Rodríguez, director of the Department of Knowledge Management, attended. .