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Carmelo Rios asks PRFAA to halt payments to Elizabeth Torres

Carmelo Rios asks PRFAA to halt payments to Elizabeth Torres

General Secretary of the New Progressive Party, Carmel RiversRequest the CEO of Puerto Rico Department of Federal Affairs (PRFAA, for its English acronym), Carmen Feliciano, to stop payments Elizabeth TorresSpecial Representative to Congress.

“This offer is enough. Public service is a calling and the most sacred thing is when people place their trust in an elected official. Mrs. Torres worked under the Making Special Delegates to Congress Possible Act, a mechanism that has been used with great success to achieve statehood and which we all know as the Tennessee Plan. This position is not intended to harm the state, but rather to advance it, as the people demanded at the polls. That’s why we’re asking the PRFAA CEO to start the process to stop payments to Ms. Torres because she didn’t get her work done,” said Rios.

People are tired of inaction. To say that she does not believe in the law, the same law that she sought, kept and ran, is somewhat apt. She herself says that she will do nothing, she does nothing. He does not visit the federal capital, his reports are critical, not only of the law, but of political groups, and he does so in a personal way, calling everyone corrupt without providing any evidence for his allegations. His position bears the responsibility to work towards the acceptance of Puerto Rico as a state in the Union, and to work to enforce the electoral mandate.” He is also the spokesman for the National Progressive Party in the Senate.

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In recent days, Torres has captured the public eye by making baseless statements, claiming that because of the vaccine against COVID-19Metal utensils, like forks, stick to your body.

El Nuevo Día consulted many experts who denied the unscientific information that people like Torres published that the COVID-19 vaccine attracts the human body.

[Lee más aquí: Fact-checking de El Nuevo Día: es falso que a las personas vacunadas contra el COVID-19 se les magnetice el cuerpo]

Statesman Senator Rios announced that they will send a letter to Feliciano on Friday formally expressing their request.

The delegates’ task is to implement the will of the people in the November 2020 referendum in which the country received more than 52 percent of the vote. Staying at home without doing anything inconsistent with what is prescribed. I repeat that the Tennessee Plan is a valid working tool and we will continue to do so,” concluded Rios.