The Catalan press reported yesterday that Leo Messi and his family were already going to decide to leave Paris Saint-Germain At the end of the season when his contract expires.
They confirm that Messi would have decided to leave Paris Saint-Germain in June
The Argentine striker is in his second year in Paris, and this could be his last, although the club is offering him another three years on his contract. return to Barcelona It would be one of the options, although a file Inter Miami He’s been tracking him for a long time.
MessiFor his part, he has not commented on what might happen in June next year as he is focused on what his last World Cup will be.
However, from Barcelona They talked about a comeback Leo They did not close the door to possibility. At least that’s how he explained it on Wednesday Edward RomeoVice President of Economics of the Barcelona entity.
“If I come back, it will be free, so it will be viable in my area, even though I don’t have it in the budget. It is a symbol of the club, and this will always be his home, but it will be a technical decision, and no one will find me here because I know nothing about this”, as Announced “El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio”.

In reference to the financial position of the team, romeo He said: “We saved Barcelona, but we haven’t settled it yet, we don’t have what’s right. It touches a lot of austerity, a lot of rigor and there is a lot of work to be done.”
When asked when he will be able to enjoy good health, the manager commented: “In these five years. In the 2024-25 season we will be at the level that suits us.”
romeo He emphasized that the institution is now moving in the right direction: “We have gone through a time when we were unable to pay our salaries and had debt restructuring commitments, from short to long term; we gain peace of mind to perform our duties and liquidity.”
One of the problems that keeps dragging a file Barcelona Is the high wage bill in the first team lineup, a management carried out by the former president Joseph Maria Bartomeu.

“Not only do you find yourself in an administrative disaster and an unstable economic situation, but you are also fighting with the main sponsors and it is difficult to reorient the situation. The problem is getting your hand in people’s wallets and this is complicated.. There are signed contracts and we are not breaking them.”
finally, romeo expected to Barcelona “You will not have any problems next summer with the structure we have built. There have been a lot of contract moves and delays. In a couple of seasons we will have a reasonable wage bill.”

“Bacon ninja. Travel advocate. Writer. Incurable pop culture expert. Evil zombie geek. Lifelong coffee scholar. Alcohol specialist.”
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