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CABD is awarded by the Andalusian Academy of Social and Environmental Sciences

CABD is awarded by the Andalusian Academy of Social and Environmental Sciences

CABD is awarded by the Andalusian Academy of Social and Environmental Sciences

Drafting. The Andalusian Center for Developmental Biology (CABD) was awarded by the Academy of Social Sciences And Andalusia Environment with the Research, Innovation, Development and Business Award, in the “Research Centers” category. In this ninth edition, this entity wanted to acknowledge the work of research excellence carried out by this joint institute of the Pablo de Olavid University, the Andalusian Government and the Supreme Council for Scientific Research.

these The awards are the result of a cooperation agreement with Banco Santander, and aim to “Recognizing and distinguishing those institutions, entities, companies, research or innovation centers that allow contributing to innovation and technological development, providing society with the capabilities available at the university, and promoting cooperation between the university and business in Andalusia as a major driver of progress, as well as promoting creativity, internationalization and a culture of leadership.” Business and Business Initiative.” In previous editions, entities such as Covap, González Byass, Ayesa or Atlantic Cooper were awarded.

in In the words of CABD Director, Placido Navas, “This award makes us very excited, Above all, recognition of the work and effort of researchers at CABD, a joint center whose mission is to discover new knowledge in evolutionary and developmental biology, rare diseases, microbiology and cellular interactions as a basis for profound knowledge of the health and disease of living organisms in general and humans in particular.